The duration of the completion of the Mochovce nuclear power plant will certainly not be achieved, SaS says: reaction of MH


According to Sulik, Mochovce was to be completed in 2012, six years ago. "Currently, Pellegrini has promised that the second term would be the second quarter of 2019," said that the power plant would not be ready [19659002] "Just look what's missing all over there", [19659004] justified the failure to meet the term Sulik. This is also skeptical on the part of the representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Bureau of the Slovak Republic, added a deputy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for SaS Karol Galek

The amount increased by 2.6 billion. euros compared to the power plant is to perpetuate mobile people, it's a money maker, " thinks the president of the liberals, according to which the problem is also that construction contractors NPP investigates NAKA

Galek considers it paradoxical that Enel, which he says is extending construction, is granting a 700 million euro loan to Slovak power plants At the same time, Sulik pointed out that the plant should be privatized

The Liberals asked the government to adopt a fixed and fixed financing schedule and the completion of the Mochovce power plant without burdening the state budget [1] 9659009] who is responsible for completing Enel, " added Galek. (19659013) Reaction of the Ministry of the Economy

The Slovak Republic has exclusively the position of minority shareholder in the Mochovce NPP and can not determine the conditions and construction costs of the third and fourth blocks power (MO34). A spokesman for the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic, Maroš Stano, responded to the appeal launched Wednesday by the SaS to the government to adopt a fixed and binding timetable for financing and l & rsquo; The completion of the Mochovce power station without any additional burden for the state budget

. and full responsibility for the management of the construction of EMO34 is assumed by the private majority owner of Slovak power plants and not by the state. "Since the disadvantageous privatization, the state has been exclusively the position of minority shareholder since 2006 and can hardly determine and promise terms and construction costs, and it is obvious that construction does not finance not the state budget, as SaS claims " Stano repeatedly criticized the Minister of Economy for the slow progress of construction

SaS President Richard Sulik , commented at a press conference that the power plant was to be privatized. The Minister of Economy said that indiscriminate privatization prevented the state from directly influencing the construction of the nuclear power plant. "The Minister of Economy considers that the sale of state ownership in Slovenské elektrárny is absurd and should instead reclaim the majority of the exclusive nuclear operator.blocks and a producer. Dominant electricity in Slovakia, " Dodge Stano

The SaS opposition Wednesday criticized the process of completing the EMO34, with deadlines still in motion. Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) advised on Tuesday, July 10 that the third block of the plant should be launched in the second quarter of 2019. According to Sulik, this term will not be achieved . "The Prime Minister made it very clear yesterday in Mochovce, at the conclusion of negotiations with the owner, that the government would enforce the conditions and the budget" Stano approached

Žiga : The government has accepted a loan of 700 million.

The government has granted a loan of 700 million euros to the Slovenské elektrárne (SE) company for the completion of the third and fourth installments of the Mochovce (EMO34) of the Italian company Enel. He informed the head of the Ministry of Economy (MH) Peter Žiga (Smer-SD) after the cabinet meeting on Wednesday. Material "Information on the current status of the project of completion of the EMO34 and the financial situation in the company of Slovenské elektrárne", was approved by the Government as a

"Yes, the government approved an Enel shareholder loan to the Slovak electricity plans, Enel granting this loan as a shareholder loan , and the Slovak Republic may have claims that it has or will have to bear in the future Enel has asked us not to apply these claims at the expense of the money that he has provided " approached the Minister of the Economy

Enel would provide, from its own resources, a participatory ES loan of $ 700 million which will be used to cover the construction costs of the third and fourth blocks of the Mochovce, informed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) during a visit to Mochov this on Tuesday, July 10th. "This is not a budget increase, 5.4 billion euros, of which 4.9 billion already contracted and more than 4.5 billion already.

The government agreed in March 2017 to increase its budget from 4.6 billion euros to 5.4 billion euros, provided that the majority shareholder gets funding from the company. The completion of the third and fourth blocks on its own resources. "Tomorrow (Wednesday, July 11), we should approve the loan to Slovenské elektrárne (Government of Slovakia), with the possibility that any claim of Gabčík resulting from 39, a dispute directed by the Slovak Republic against Slovak power plants be applied later, will be at the same level as a shareholder loan " declared on July 10 in Mochovce, Žigi

The Mochovce power station was initially commissioned in 2012, with a budget of 2.8 billion euros. The terms have been gradually relaxed, the budget has increased. The Extraordinary General Assembly approved last March the strategic plan for 2017-2021, which included the completion of the third and fourth blocks of the Mochovce power station to 5.4 billion euros.

The Prime Minister, during a day of visit, advised that in the autumn of this year he and the Minister of Economy will return to Mochovce. "We will follow the schedule in detail so as not to see other changes as has been the case in recent years, we will look for ways to resolve the problem with the ministry, including concrete personal consequences on the building

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