The e-mail box changes: Functions are changed according to the user's opinion


The National Agency for Networks and Electronic Services (NASES) wanted to know what design changes needed to help users navigate and find new features in an electronic mailbox

  Illustration Illustration to article Electronic mailboxes change: Functions modified by users


The result was an online test of the user. He is involved
977 participants who spent an average of 20 minutes there. task
The tests consisted of 11 tasks to intuitively click on the site

"Such a user test helps to make it better
e-services and get closer to our goal – a simple job
with a mailbox. I also want to thank everyone you found

says Lukáš Sojka, CEO of NASES. The tests brought more than
200 tests

The test showed that participants were aware of the problems and knew where the functions and
looking for information. From the results, the agency also discovered how
the users of the site manage and which users are users
most often, click intuitively. With these results, NASES will continue
work and find out what features need to be improved. weakness
only the verification tasks have been signed. New signature verification function, which
has been tested, it will offer clear information and all
data required

Regular users and employees could participate in testing
state institutions. In particular, the people of the capital were active
Slovakia, but Slovaks from abroad, especially from the Czech Republic, were interested
Republic, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Canada and United Kingdom

In the near future, NASES is planning further changes in electronic boxes.
This will be improved mailbox search, self-declaration
according to its criteria, three-level design and rule-making
in the folders.

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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