The eCasa is expected to bring tens of millions of euros a year to the state budget, according to the financial report


BRATISLAVA, July 24 ( – The mandatory connection of electronic cash registers to financial management information systems will bring tens of millions of euros annually to the public administration
According to the assumptions of the financial administration, revenue from the introduction of eKasy reaches 72.3 thousand. euro, a year later, it should be 117.9 million. EUR, then every two years approximately 122 million USD.

The gradual introduction of the project into practice

Since the introduction of the eKAS, the state has promised to reduce by 15% the fiscal gap for the value-added tax in hotels, restaurants and cafes and in the retail trade. The VAT gap in these sectors amounted to 491 million in 2014. EUR

The financial management proposal, currently in the process of restitution, provides for a gradual implementation of the project. In the first phase, in April of next year, they should join the financial administration of electronic cash in hotels, restaurants, cafes and gas stations in April next year. In the second stage, in July 2019, electronic treasures in the retail, service and other sectors should be joined
However, the financial administration is already developing information about this project and creates a separate subpage on his portal. It provides information about what eKasa is about, how this project will work in practice, who it will be interested in.

Online Connection of All Treasurers

"The goal is to provide entrepreneurs and citizens with enough information about the entire project venue. Some of the information Published is also a description of the system integration interface that allows online crate manufacturers to prepare software editions for eKasa integration purposes. "19659004 The eKasa project is a connection to In practice, this means that any purchase or transaction will involve immediate financial information, since each document issued will be registered with the eKasa central repository.
The condition is an Internet connection through which Information will be sent to the Central Repository of Financial Administration.
For more information: VAT Value Added Tax, eKasa, SR Financial Report Source: Web – According to the financial report, the state budget is expected to bring tens of millions of euros a year. © SITA All rights reserved

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