The entry into the boat can not be a ticket to Europe, says Sakova


The Minister of the Interior said that the causes of migration should be addressed in the countries where the illegal migrants come from.

Entry into the boat can not be a ticket to illegal immigrants in Europe, said Interior Minister of the Slovak Republic, Denisa Saková, at an informal meeting of EU Heads of State in Innsbruck. EU leaders turn to the causes of illegal migrants and not only the consequences

The head of the Slovak Interior Ministry said that the causes of illegal immigration should be treated in the countries of arrival of illegal migrants in Europe. 19659004] Less illegal entry

"If boarding the boat will be a ticket to Europe, there will be fewer deaths or fewer illegal entries," she said . The Minister of the Interior of the 26 other EU Member States asked if the third country wanted to cooperate with the European Union

. The minister also said that the role of FRONTEX is particularly important for the protection of the external borders of the EU.

"Frontex should be a tool to prevent the destabilization of the whole Schengen if there is a situation that does not exist in a Member State," she said.

Sakova also spoke about building the capacity of Frontex. He would also take on new roles, for example when he was working in third countries or sending illegal migrants back

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