The EU does not like some of Google's default apps. That's too dominant for them


FOTO: power supply

These are the default applications that you do not need to use, they are factory-installed and factory-installed, but you can easily replace them with others that suit you

It does not matter that you buy smartphones from Samsung, Huawei or any other smartphone to use a Google-only operating system with full access to the Play Store and to your friends. Other Google services must meet certain conditions, as well as a preference for specific applications

EU Competition Regulatory Authority headed by a political decision maker Margerethe Vestag

Google Home Search Panel

Google claims that no one is obliged to use Google apps. The conditions set by the company allow to keep the Android operating system open (open source). Use applications to earn money (search ads, etc.) that cover, for example, the development costs of Android

It is more than certain that Google will have to change its business conditions for avoid the sanctions of the regulatory authorities. These can range from millions to billions of euros, which we saw in 2016. Google was then fined for $ 2.4 billion . Of course, Google can appeal against objections

The European Commission protects consumers with increasingly stringent rules that also affect large companies such as Google. The final decision of the regulatory authorities should fall in the coming period

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