The euro and bitcoin rose Tuesday Article | goods


London, July 24 (TASR) – The euro resumed Tuesday and is heading for a two-week high. Markets responded to reports that the euro area private sector continues to grow and maintains a steady pace. On the other hand, fears of a trade war with the United States prevented a strengthening of the single European currency

Whereas the US Central Bank should raise its interest rates at least twice this year, the European Central Bank will probably not increase in the second half traders remain cautious about the outlook for the euro in 2019.

Nevertheless, the euro has erased some of the previous losses after the Private Equity Private Equity Index (PMI) posted 54.3 points in June. A PMI of more than 50 points is a growth.

The exchange rate of the euro against the dollar rose by 0.12% to 1 1706 USD / EUR just after 14 h. At the start of trading in London, it dropped to 1.1654 USD / EUR and after publication, PMI climbed to almost two weeks maximum of 1.1750 USD / EUR

Bitcoin, the world's best-known cryptographer, reached $ 8000 Tuesday (6828, 27 euros) on Bitstamp. This is its highest value since May 23rd.

Bitcoin lost more than half of its value in 2018, its interest having decreased

(1 EUR = 1, 1716 USD)

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