The evictor who tortured a partner knew the pain: he was eight years unconditionally


Varga and Elvira and his young daughter lived together from 2013 to January 2017 and, according to the explanation, sometimes had misunderstandings, which he considered as common quarrels. However, the court of first instance and the court of appeal have described it as a crime of torture in connection with the crime of double criminality.

Varga worked at the Plešivec Police Department as a superpot. He and his wife divorced for fifteen years just for Elvira. Initially, they "squatted", but from the end of August 2015 to the detention of January 8, 2017, Varga, a 29-year-old companion, especially after drinking alcohol, l & rsquo; Physically and physically assaulted and grossly cursed him. He threatened to kill him, threatening suicide when he left him. The last had been threatened with death on January 8, 2017, but one of the known friends had been summoned by the police and Varga had been placed in custody.

In Revúca District Court, Varga denied that Elvira was the victim of threats, suspicion, persecution in person, as well as SMS. It was shown that she had physically assaulted her when she had cut her and that her partner had opened a sore after a thyroid operation. He threw a bottle and a pot and chased him away. He refused to "shut up" her and gave her daughter to a children's home. Once, he showed him a service weapon with the words "we'll be here and there," what the other world meant. A psychologist from the psychology department found that Varga's personality was unbalanced and tended to be immediately impulsive. Under the influence of a psychoactive substance, he acts recklessly and aggressively towards others but also against himself. Alcohol dependence was not found. The mother's tire also had a negative impact on her minor daughter.

The first level Senate, after extensive evidence, acknowledged that expulsion was at the root of the crime of mistreatment of a companion as a close and a double crime of exile. Under the law, he could impose a fine of between seven, seventeen and eight months, the adjusted amount being that it was a competition of three crimes. Since he has not yet been punished, the court has considered it as a mitigating circumstance and has provided for an eight year sentence of imprisonment with minimal custody. Varga appealed, claiming that he was innocent, loved Elvira and the misunderstandings were not serious. The Court of Appeal did not accept his reasons and upheld the verdict of first instance. The Senate Speaker immediately ordered the execution of the sentence. Peter Varga penalizes in the establishment with a minimum of custody because he has not yet been punished. As of January 8, 2017, he is in custody and has been charged with serving his sentence.

The decision of the Regional Court is valid.

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