The exceptional talent comes back to Lučenec, the Oxygen Bar awaits a jazz full of jazz


Alan Bartuš does not even have his hometown in the line of concert

LUČENEC. Jazz fans and fans of Lucerne's successful keyboardist, who has been several times surprised by a foreign audience, will arrive on Thursday, July 26th. At the Oxygen café and bar of the Republic Square in Lučenec, Alan Bartuš will be presented. He joined the center of Novohrad with his bass player Matej Štubniak and Jakub Valíček, who has a battery on hand. The beginning of the concert is at 19:00

The young people of the past year form the trio of the group Alan Bartuš and have won several prestigious awards for several years. They present jazz standards, their own compositions, as well as classical and pop rearranged productions

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Alan Bartuš, 17, from Lučenec and living in Neusiedl am See , Austrian international competitions in classical music.

Alan Bartus trio has been able to become the absolute winner of the Jazz Start Up competition for a year in the world of music. It has been produced at Bratislava Jazz Days on the stage of young artists. The New Face of Slovak Jazz competition won the award for its compelling instrumental performance. Alan Bartusu invited to play a concert session on Austrian radio ORF1

Alan Bartuš will play the trio in Bratislava before performing in Lučenec. From the center of Novohrad, he moves to Banská Štiavnica. His tour will culminate on July 28 at Liptovsky Mikulas, where he will perform at the jazz festival

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