The exchange rate of the euro fell to 1.1705 USD / EUR | Article | goods


Frankfurt am Main July 23 (TASR) – The common European currency came Monday for its early trading gains and declined slightly. In the late afternoon, the euro was sold at 1.105 USD and its exchange rate reached 1.1750 USD / EUR on Monday night.

The European Central Bank (ECB) set a reference rate Monday morning at 1.1716. Friday: 1.1670) USD / EUR. In other words, the dollar stands at 0.8535 (0.8569) euro.

Experts stressed on Monday the evolution in the foreign exchange market for the counterweight after the previous weakening of the dollar. US President Donald Trump on Friday (July 20th) accused China and the European Union (EU) of monetary manipulation and criticized the US central bank for raising interest rates. a negative impact on the dollar. According to Bavarian BayernLB expert BayernLB, Manuela Andersch, the market reaction to Trump's statements has been exaggerated. "The risk of war on the war, which some analysts have deduced, we consider rude," said Andersch.

On Monday, the Turkish lira has improved considerably. Its exchange rate is appreciated about 1% at EUR 5.55 TRY / EUR. On Tuesday (24 July), a provisionally scheduled meeting of the Central Bank of Turkey issuance fund is proceeding as planned. The market is expected to raise interest rates due to high inflation. If the bank does not raise rates as expected, the reading would probably have weakened.

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