The faithful remember the Slavic St. John the Baptist. Cyril and Method


Bratislava, 5 July 2018 (TASR / HSP / Photo: OZ Dúbravka / KDH Club // MO Matica Slovenská)

] Vol. Konstantin-Cyril and Methodius

The arrival of the Slavs on the present territory of Slovakia dates back at least to the beginning of the 6th century. Christianity begins to penetrate more clearly among the Slavs living in the territory of present-day Slovakia in the first third of the 9th century

The Christian Emperor of Great Moravia Rastislav perceived religion as a powerful phenomenon capable of supporting the existence of the East. Knieza Rastislav failed to turn to the pope in Rome, asking to send him a teacher who would rather spread the Christian faith in the speeches made by his people. The message was not answered by the pope, but the Byzantine Emperor Michal III responded positively. In Great Moravia he sent two vierozvestcov – Constantin and Metoda

They came from Solún, where a large Slovak minority lived at that time, and his language dominated at the same time. Before moving on to the mission, Constantine created a script adapted to the Slavic language, Glagolitic, and translated the fundamental states related to the Christian faith: the selection of readings from the Gospel – the Gospel. After such preparation, the two faithful testimonies came to Great-Moravian in 863.

In 867, they chose to return to Rome in order to obtain the Pope's approval of the use of the ancient Slavic language as a liturgical language. Constantine did not return to Great Moravia. In Rome, he fell ill and entered the monastery where he received the name of Cyril and died there on February 14, 869.

Pope at the beginning of the year 870 He was appointed archbishop of Pannonia and Great Moravia. Rome. In 873 he took charge of the church of Great Moravia, restored and administered the school of Great Moravia where the clergy were raised. He continued with the translation of religious writings with his disciples

. The disputes between Metod and Svätopluk were rampant in 885, when Metod proposed the successor to the priest Gorazd. Before the dispute could be resolved, Archbishop Metod died on April 6, 885.

The spiritual citation of the venerable and holy patron of Europe is strong today. Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius are a source of Slavic, Moravian, Chekhov, Bulgarian and Macedonian religion, solidarity and reciprocity


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