The fateful moments of the Slovak playmate: it tore the rocks, it fell 15 meters!


Eva Cifra is more likely to be registered by men than by women. A few years ago, she irritated sensual photographs in men's magazines. Nowadays, he does not like similar poses and instead devotes himself to his partner Lukáš or his own shoe brand. In addition, the fragile beauty continues its recreational activities. And only one of them became uncontrollable.

Fatal moments of the Slovakian playmate:

Source: Andrea Jacenková

Eva and her mother had a hobby for adrenaline. As the blonde admitted, paragliding and flying fell in love. A few days ago, however, something happened that all the fans of this sport do not prefer too much. The flight with the instructor became uncontrollable. "We did not even take off, all of a sudden, it pulled us off the rocks" Eve described the details of the incident and revealed what was going through her head in unpleasant moments. "When we came across these craggy rocks, my only thoughts were: let's survive, let us get caught and stop rolling, let me not let myself go and please do not let my mother see it . "

Fatal moments of the Slovakian playmate:

Source: Facebook, BC

But the couple was very lucky. "After about 15 meters, we managed to stay upright and I was afraid not to fall lower in any movement. Fortunately, we have been helped by people to whom I thank a lot. " The beauty of this dreadful fall finally stopped only by blues and bruises, but thanks to an unpleasant experience, she realized how little it took to change one's life from day to day.

Fatal moments of the Slovakian playmate:

Source: Instagram E.C.

"With my mother who came flying with me, we agreed that it was our last years" concludes Eva, who suspended such a risky sport to a nail.

Are you attracted to adrenaline sports?

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