The financial administration has shortened the authorization process on its portal


People are gaining time

17. July 2018 at 16:51 SITA

BRATISLAVA. Access to electronic communications on the financial report portal is a little easier

Financial management of taxpayers acting alone will unify registration and authorization in one step , thus shortening the time of authorization on the portal

As indicated in the financial report, the authorization process lasted on average three working days to date. Once the registration and authorization unified, the financial administration can authorize it automatically in a few minutes.

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That measure affects contractors acting alone, it primarily affects traders [19659002Cependantdanslecasd'unaccorddelivraisonélectroniqueunevisitepersonnelleàl'OfficeesttoujoursnécessairenotelerapportfinancierCelaestdûàlanécessitédevérifierlesinformationsfourniesdansleformulaired'inscriptionDanscecascependantl'employéaubureauconfirmeraseulementl'registrationandtheystemwillautomaticallyauthorizethebody

The prerequisite for automatic registration is to check the box "I request the disclosure of personal authorization". The purpose of these measures is to facilitate electronic communication with the financial management of natural persons to entrepreneurs who have been required to communicate with the financial administration electronically since 1 July. [19659013] [ad_2]
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