The financial administration has significantly accelerated the process of authorization Article | goods


Bratislava, July 16 (TASR) – Physical entrepreneurs acting alone can use EMS more quickly. Although the authorization process lasted an average of three business days, once the registration and authorization unified, the financial administration can automatically do the authorization in a few minutes. It's about people acting on their own.

This benefit is primarily intended for taxable persons who register for electronic communication with the financial administration by means of a qualified electronic signature (KEP) or an eID

In case of agreement in case of electronic delivery, a personal visit to the Office is always necessary, due to the verification of the data provided in the registration form. When registering with KEP and eID, registration ends and automatic authorization is triggered automatically. When the registration form is completed manually, the subject must go to the office where the registrar of the system completes the registration. In this case, however, only one staff member confirms the registration and the system authorizes it automatically

The prerequisite for automatic registration is to tick the box "I request the registration". access to personal authorization ". ] The financial report implemented this adjustment in early July as part of the first phase of redesigning the financial administration portal. The purpose of these measures is to facilitate electronic communication with the financial management of natural persons to entrepreneurs who have been required to communicate with the financial administration only electronically since 1 July.

TASR informed Ivana Skokanová, spokesperson of the Financial Administration

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