The financial report alerts the personnel agency. The state should turn millions


The agency staff is suspected of tax fraud for two million euros.

At least three of the Slovaks had to commit tax fraud. The case is handled by criminals of financial information. informed Ivana Skokanová, spokesperson of the Danes.

"In the case of two Slovak companies and three interconnected Czech companies," she said, the preliminary damage amounted to 2,000,000 euros.

Criminals of the Financial Administration (KÚFS) intervened for several weeks in several cities: Bratislava, Trnava, Senci, Novy Meste nad Vahom, Šuranoch, Sládkovičov and Dubnice nad Váhom.

"They have been suspected of tax fraud committed by the human resources agency by creating billing chains between companies located on the Slovak territory and in the Czech Republic, with the aim of avoiding not only the payment of the Income tax from a dependent business, but also the optimization of their own tax. Obligation of VAT, "added Skokanová.

Criminologists have secured accounting documents and electronic data.

Many people have paid only a few cents a month

The Czech company started in Slovakia to carry on business related to the provision of temporary work services, referring to cooperation with temporary work agencies. "In the Czech business register, business, production, trade and services, as well as rental of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises, are listed as a business topic" , said the spokeswoman of the Financial Administration.

According to Skokanová, however, the company does not officially register any employees. To this end, he founded other legal entities that regularly reported and voted for a large number of people on the basis of labor agreements during the month, but received a gross monthly salary of just pennies of euros ", explains how the frauds should take place.

In addition, the financial report indicates that the company also passed a number of contracts with subscribers, the purpose of which was not to provide temporary staff for remuneration, but labor supply services.

Employees pay "bad guy"

"The company had to fulfill its obligations under these contracts through the intermediary of national suppliers, but the services were not realized at all", explains Ivana Skokanová.

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Employees who were doing business under customer contracts, because of the number of hours worked, had to be "obscured" according to the analyzes – without the appropriate taxes and levies.

"Preliminary damages amounted to 2 000 000 euros, and this only for the value added tax.In case of acquittal of guilt, the perpetrators of the crimes of reduction of taxes and imprisonment may 7 to 12 years, other procedures and analysis of secure documents are in progress, so it is not possible to provide more information at the moment, "concluded the Danish.

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