The Finnish model was a model for the national curriculum, according to Luby's teachers


BRATISLAVA, July 13 ( – Finland is typical because teachers have a lot of credit and a high social credit. Education Minister Martina Luby said in a conversation with the SITA agency that she had modeled the development of the National Education and Training Program. to development

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Teachers are more numerous

"Teachers were only the group of the administration in recent years, has also received higher salaries than other civil servants. Now, we are pleased that we have been able to engage teachers in the global national tripartite, ie they will participate in two further 10% salary increases as of January 1, 2019 and the January 1, 2020. In the past, wage increases of six percent. It is a pay increase of a third over a few years, " said the head of the education sector.

The move by a ] the entire payment class

in eastern Slovakia, where price levels are lower, the salary of the teacher People who have left school for example in the state administration because the wages are higher.At the same time, we are also trying to improve the position. young teachers for teachers to take a class – not in the ninth year but in the tenth year ", explains Luby, explaining that it would be a change of class

"Once we have two more In the 10% salary increases that await us, the current salary will be much higher. We want to attract young teachers in this profession "

The attractiveness of the profession depends on the environment

According to Luby, the attractiveness of the teaching profession depends also from the school environment, the management of teaching staff by the founder,

"We try to reduce the rate of bullying in schools to make the environment more enjoyable. We try to increase participation – so that students and parents are more involved in school management. We promise that if there is more communication, there will be less intimidation, "said the Minister of Education, while trying to improve the credit system, often criticized and unrelated to the duties of the teacher. (19659016) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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