The forgetfulness of Starej Ľubovne should be completed for two and a half years


He is paid by the county and the city

18. July 2018 at 13:48 TASR

FORMER ELEVATOR. The purpose of the protocol of cooperation, signed Wednesday in Stara Lubovna by representatives of the territorial autonomy (VÚC) Prešov, is the position of the southeast bypass of the city

According to the President of Prešovský samosprávny kraj (PSK) Milan Majerský and the mayor of Starej Ľubovne Ľuboš Tomko "The city is overloaded with transport, which negatively affects the lives of its inhabitants." The construction of new communications, the ability to redirect freight from the city center , should significantly improve the situation not only for motorists but for all "

The state goes under video advertising

The county approved 1.35 million, the million city

the deputies approve the Financing for the construction of the south-east ring road of Starej Ľubovne

] The regional authorities approved the construction of the bypass The deputies added 1.35 million euros, the city ​​has allocated another

The expected effect is expected to be a significant reduction in traffic on the historic center of Stare Ľubovne, less accidents, improved safety of pedestrians and cyclists

. Mikuláša daily about 6,000 vehicles, which is, according to the Mayor, unbearable charge of the center

"We have been waiting for this investment for twenty years, the process has hindered the purchase of land and the financial requirements of the project. kilometers, will reduce the noise, the amount of exhalations and also the accident in this segment, and I also see the impact on the development of tourism in the historic center of the city ", has Tomko said.

Completed by two years in the fall

The project plans to build a brand new road over 900 meters long, which will connect two roads.

Specifically, the route to Jakubany and Nová Ľubovňa on the street Levočská and the communication in Stare Ľubovňa on the Prešovská street, which feeds the first class road towards Prešov

For the construction of the new road is already issued a legally valid building permit, during the summer, PSK, the statutory director of the project, will declare the process of procurement to the contractor.

After the completion of this phase, work will begin with the works that are expected to last until November 2020. [19659002] According to the project documentation, there are 16 objects, including construction However, Stará Ľubovňa is not the only town in the region that must necessarily bypass

in Kežmarok, where the columns are already part of the local population. visitors.

"In this case, however, And we can not get into something that is the role of the state, but Stará Ľubovňa is the first and I believe that other districts will be on the turn ", Concludes Majersky

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