The former Catalan Prime Minister Puigdemont returned to Belgium: this is not the end of the trip, he refers


Puigdemont returned to Brussels on Saturday morning, where he also welcomed the current Catalan Prime Minister Quim Torra, who was coming specifically from Spain. At a subsequent press conference in Brussels, Puigdemont promised to continue his defense "The Right Thing of the Catalan Nation" .

"This is not the end of the trip," says Puigdemont, according to the RTBF portal, adding that he "is also going to the end of the world to defend the just cause of the Catalan people , democracy, freedom and the right to He also stressed that his wandering would end only when all "political prisoners" Catalans were released.The term "Catalan separatists" refers to the members of the group. former Puigdemont government, whose Spanish police are investigating the detention. "id =" 2225763 "border =" 0 "style =" width: 454px; " />

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Olivier Matthys

The Schleswig court in early July granted his release in connection with charges of fraud, but not in case of misconduct. This means that he could bring him to justice in Spain only because he suspected that he had abused public funds. Spain, in response to the verdict, has withdrawn from the European arrest warrant against the politician and the German court reacted one day to the official end of his extradition, which allowed him to leaving Germany

Puigdemont added that he wanted to fulfill his mission, to return from exile the ministers of his former government who, like him, had recourse to foreigners before a judicial investigation . When Spain released last fall to the leaders of the Catalan movement for the independence of the war of arrest, Madrid, Puigdemont, went from the front to the end. an inquiry into Belgium.

On the basis of the European arrest warrant issued by Spain against Puigdemonta for allegations of upheaval and corruption of state finances, he was detained on 25 March in the Land German Schleswig-Holstein. In Germany, Puigdemont was taken into custody but, after having paid a deposit, he was released, but he did not leave German territory and went regularly to the police

The High Court of Justice (OLG) of Schleswig at the request of the prosecutor general abolished the existing, but in the meantime, the Spaniards withdrew the warrant of European arrest on Puigdemont. However, the AP noted that if Puigdemont enters Spanish territory, he is threatened with arrest

The allegations made by Spain against Puigdemont and his closest collaborator concern the recent referendum of the government Catalan Regional Council on the Independence of Spain. Subsequently, the regional parliament controlled by the separatists unilaterally declared its independence. The Madrid government rejected the referendum on the independence of Catalonia, saying that the Constitution speaks of the indivisibility of the landscape

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