The Global Compact on Migration is an imperfect and unbalanced document, says Paška


Paška is convinced that the Member States which refer to the document undertake to take certain measures which, according to him, do not always correspond to the interests of Slovakia. "In some areas, the RS would have lost the ability to act alone" connections.

Against the document, opposition MP Martin Klus (SaS) opposed this document, which rejects the pact. At the same time, however, he pointed to the situation in the SD-government. "On the one hand, the Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák (candidate Smeru-SD) of this party is the best candidate for the presidency, on the other hand, he fucks his" kudlu "on the back , He said that the contradiction of the government when Lajčák defended the global pact, but that the Smer-SD party rejected it.

According to the resolution proposed to date, Parliament must declare that the Global Compact is a contradictory document that does not correspond to the current security and migration policy of the Slovak Republic. MEPs also urge the Slovak government to adopt a disagreement with the Global Compact and to take appropriate measures to remove the Slovak Republic from the adoption process.

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