The government is doing nothing that can be seen as a consensus with Paktom


Slovakia, according to the Prime Minister, reserves the right to make its own sovereign decisions in the field of migration.

The RS government is doing nothing, which could be seen as a consensus with the UN Global Compact on Migration. Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) said several MEPs during an almost empty session of the National Council (NR) of the RS at the end of the first day of the 38th parliamentary session during which they discuss the resolution on the pact. The IEC urges the government to reject the pact. Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (Smeru-SD candidate) has threatened to resign by resignation.

"I will not allow the government to take measures that could be seen as an endorsement of the adoption of this pact, and the Slovak Republic will always decide what to do about migration, who it is will take in the country, from what to educate, the country where it comes from, where it will live and how it will behave, "said Pellegrini.

Slovakia, according to the Prime Minister, reserves the right to make its own sovereign decisions in the field of migration. "The government under my leadership will do nothing to endanger the sovereignty of Slovakia, it will always protect the security of Slovak citizens, the sovereignty of Slovakia, and we will take decisions on such a serious problem, sovereignly and by ourselves. themselves, "said the head of the Cabinet.

According to Pellegrini, Slovakia is a sovereign country that has the right to form its own migration policy and also distinguishes between legal migration and illegal migration. The Prime Minister considers that illegal immigration is harmful and that it involves security risks.

MEPs debated the resolution on the UN Global Compact on Migration on Wednesday (November 28th).

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