The great success of Slovak doctors: the first patient with an artificial heart is already after transplantation


Cardiac Transplantation: The first operation in Czechoslovakia lasted 50 years

Jozef (47) of Topoľčian on November 1, 2017 suffered the implantation of the artificial heart at the National Institute of Heart Disease and Bratislava cardiac (NÚSCH).

<img src = "" title = "Veľký úspech slovenských lekárov:" alt = "Source: NÚSCH [19659004] The preparation of NÚSCH experts began in January 2017 in Germany, where they participated in compulsory training on pigs.Sanova patient was 1741. patient with TAH implanted in the world

  Great success of Slovak doctors:

Source: NÚSCH

Jozef later released NÚSCH from home treatment.This allowed him to connect the hospital compressor to domestic driving.His artificial heart was alive with his 6 kg bag, which He was still carrying on his back.With the home compressor, the patient was able to lead a normal full life almost normal

  A great success for Slovak doctors:

Source: NÚSCH

Jozef stayed on the card waiting for heart transplantation. "id =" 2214845 " border = "0" style = "width: 454px; "/>

Source: NÚSCH


Syncardia TAH is the only complete cardiac replacement device with European and American certification

The artificial heart is unique. Only one patient can get it. After the heart transplant, the artificial heart returns to the United States to investigate heart practitioners after using them in the patient's chest and to identify deficiencies

 The great success of Slovak doctors:

Source: NÚSCH

At preparation and implementation were actively involved:

  • Department of Cardiac Surgery NÚSCH, a.s., under the direction of MUDr. Michal Hulman, Ph.D.
  • Department of Heart Failure and Transplantation, NÚSCH, a.s., who is chief of elementary school doc. MD. Eva Goncalvesová, CSc., FESC
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine NÚSCH, a.s., under the direction of MUDr. Ingrid Olejárová, PhD, MPH

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