The greatest hero of the Tour is an American who rolls with a broken blade. Attention was brought to the media – Denník N


The greatest hero of the Tour is an American who drives a broken blade.

Cyclists often run with wounds, on which the reason remains.

Former cyclist Tyler Hamilton, who revealed doping practices in the Lancashire Lancashire Days in his book The Secret Racing, also described his involvement in the race, as well as his involvement with his teammates, on the Tour de France 2003.

Hamilton broke the bones in the first stage, but despite the great pain he finished the Tour in a big fourth place. From the pain that he has so strong, he threw his teeth at the top

The US helicopter Lawson Craddock was the great hero of the Tour de France this year. The 26-year-old rider, like Hamilton, suffered a fall in the first stage, suffered a smaller fracture of the blade and the injury to the eyebrow required several points

The cyclist dropped after somebody dropped the bottle. "If you are on such motorcycles, it may be like a hand grenade.I did not see it, I just remember how I was on the road."

Craddock returned to the race after the self-defense treatment and finished the last leg with the last defeat of eight minutes. The last was also in the second stage, but the audience gave him a big applause for his dedication

The EF-Drapac Education Runner has a special motivation to continue

Launched the collection

Craddock decided that in his misfortune positively finds and manages a collection to repair the bicycle velodrome in Houston. It was there that he started cycling, but the velodrome was injured by Hurricane Harvey.

"A broken blade and a few stitches are not the way I wanted to start the Tour, but this Texan will fight as long as it goes, I spend a hundred bucks at Alkek's velodrome for every step that I finish, "he wrote on Twitters

A hundred dollars may seem like a small amount on the boards of professional footballers, for example, but for cycling

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