The head of Parliament does not observe the direction. Pellegrini will decide his destiny


The mandate of Miroslav Lajcak (Smer-SD candidate) for the post of Foreign Minister should only count on units. This is at least the case for the attitude of leftists in Parliament. His last chance will probably be Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD).

The Social Democrats have been advising for several days to arrive with their own resolution when approving the resolution on the UN Global Framework for Migration. This should compete with the SNS proposal.

The nationals wanted to lobby for a representative of Slovakia to attend the Intergovernmental Conference in Marrakesh. They say that Slovakia itself will express support for the document.

And while this ban is not explicitly mentioned in the SNS resolution, party vice president Anton Hrnko is clear on this. "It's like that," he told Lajcak.

In addition, the first vice-president of the CIS, Jaroslav Paška, proposed an endorsement that would strengthen "hard" the resolution of the nationalists. But according to the agreements of the coalition, Pacha should withdraw this proposal.

Motion for a resolution

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Red line of the head of diplomacy

However, the proposal with which Smer-SD arrived Tuesday night is not different from the proposal of Andrey Danko. It adds only a few general phrases and does not mark this document as inconsistent.

However, in their resolutions on the SNS proposal, the lobbies suggested that the government would hardly be able to send a Slovak representative to Marrakech. Whether it is Miroslav Lajčák or a junior official of the Department of Diplomacy.

And whether or not the government allows us to go to Slovakia for this intergovernmental conference was a red line for the current foreign minister.

"Here's the situation when they even send me references to sit behind the oven so no problem has been solved if we lock ourselves in and we will face the problem," he said. Lajčák at Radio Expres.

Motion for a resolution

photos in the gallery

Pellegrini against Lajcak

The fact that Lajčák does not have the support of Smer-SD in this case is also a sign of Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini's speech (Smer-SD). He unexpectedly appeared Tuesday night, without the participation of the head of Slovak diplomacy in discussions, just before MEPs start a debate on the subject.

In his brief speech, the Prime Minister stated that his government was not taking any action "that could be seen as any consent to the adoption of this pact".

"The Slovak Republic will always decide what measures to take on migration, who will go to the country, what needs to be educated, which country to come from, where it will live and how it will behave," Pellegrini told his government colleague. .

Dangerous populists

Only the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of RS, Katarína Cséfalvayová (Most-Híd), remains on the side of Lajčák.

For, she said she did not accept the proposal that the Slovak Republic should not join the global framework for migration. According to her, it is irresponsible and long-term damaging to Slovakia.

"The populist politicians who have chosen to play this card and spread unwarranted fear are more dangerous for Europe than the migration itself," Csefalval said.

The government decides whether Slovakia will send its delegate to Marrakech for a week. At the latest, it is expected that Miroslav Lajčák will respond to his threats and that the President of the Minister of Foreign Affairs will leave earlier.

See how Pellegrini rejects the Marrakech protocol:

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