The head of the American diplomacy Pompeo arrived in the DPRK


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang Friday for talks on the denuclearization of the DPRK. Pompeo spends a day and a half in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea until Saturday.

Pompeo landed in the North Korean capital after a short stopover in Japan.

It will be the first overnight stay in the country, according to Reuters. He met Kim Jong-cholom, a senior DPRK official who, along with the US chief of diplomacy, played an important role in the preparations for the June summit of US President Donald Trump and the DPRK leader in Singapore [19659004]. details "regarding the commitments agreed between Trump and Kim." I want to take advantage of the momentum of the transition to the implementation of what these leaders promised each other and the world, "said Pompeo, expecting the same Pyongyang effort

The main commitments of the Singapore Summit concern the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula and a sketch of how the transformed relations between the United States and the DPRK might look like. the remains of about 200 US soldiers missing from the 1950-53 Korean War.

The Pompey Plane stopped on the way to the DPRK to fuel the Japanese Air Force Base. Jokota, which includes the US Air Force forces, is his third visit to the DPRK since April and the first to the historic summit of June 12.

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