The head of the night wolves breaks the silence: the hands on the base in Slovakia, it's a witch hunt


Zaldostanov has published his status in four languages. The bazaar of the village of Dolná Krupá near Trnava, inaugurated on June 23, only called "the pavilion" but states that it will only be necessary to a museum open to cyclists but also to history lovers

"The museum II will be located in the premises of the club.Flu Wars where a special place will take the exhibition of the 8th motorcycle regiment and the display of the Battle of Stalingrad." [19659003] written by Zaldostanov

A man close to Putin

Slovakia, according to him, associates Russia with a history of friendly relations. "Zaldostanov has not forgotten the typical criticism, " The media Western liberals " according to him, broke a media coup " against this clearly positive project "

  Alexander Zaldostanov and Vladimir

Source: SITA / AP / Sputnik / Alexei Droujini, Sputnik , Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

The night wolves have a long-term relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who participates in their actions.The club also received money from the Kremlin before .Zaldostanov, the club leader Zaldostanov, is also on the list of US and European sanctions to support the Russian annexation of Ukrainian Crimea

The gang leader Alexander Zaldostanov is often photographed with Putin, who has received several state awards. Zaldostanov, who does not admire the Soviet dictator Josif Vissarionovich Stalin, recently proposed that his night wolves become a semi-social militia of the Russian army

The site of military technology

The Night wolves at Dolna Krupe near Trnava started to be spoken a few days ago. Screenshots of drones appeared on the Internet have shown that the site is full of military technology. In response, the police stated that the military machines on the site are based on historical artifacts that should be on display and accessible to the public in the fall

Part of the technique is also owned by the public. a civil association And under the law on the protection against the fire, it fulfills the functions of the general brigade of the firemen. However, the Minister of Defense, Peter Gajdoš (SNS), has responded to the situation by ordering the temporary suspension of the Institute of Military History of the Miloslav Military History Institute Čaplovič

 Alexander Zaldostanov

Source: FB Aleksandr Surgur Zaldastanov

The Slovak branch is indirectly linked to the former Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák. The former Minister of Night Wolves joins Jozef Hambálk for a very close friendship. He is currently at the helm of the Slovak wreck of the Night Wolves. Longtime knowledge should be confirmed by Hambalek himself

Politics do not like him

Night wolves in Slovakia are also worrying in the ranks of politicians. According to the Mosta-Hid coalition, the presence of a paramilitary unit in the Slovak Republic is undesirable, whether it is a Slovak or foreign group

"At the time when the world is coming to a halt. worried about hybrid wars, we need to be particularly cautious in decontaminating night wolves in our territory.Most-Hid will want to monitor whether the Ministry of the Interior and Foreign Affairs will use its powers to monitor these activities and possible measures that they will take in this regard. " Counselor Bug Bugs

Based on the Planning of the Security Committee Speaker of the Parliament Denis Sak (Smer-SD) Minister of the Interior (Smer-SD SaS MPs said that Deputy Prime Minister Ľubomír Galko called a "paramilitary organization linked to Russian President Putin" .

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