The Incomprehensible Step of Brooklyn Beckham New Hour


Brooklyn Beckham (19) college degree in photography will not be. The son of footballer David Beckham and designer Victoria Beckham praised him last year for reaching the summit of New York. But he has not finished a single year and is already at home in London.

He leaves school and prefers to do an internship with a photographer in the UK. "It looks like he's too good to feel too lonely and that he loves his family," quotes The Mirror. The return of the eldest son is appropriate to mother Victory Beckham, who will be the child for most of the next few months only, because David will stay in Miami with his own football club

When Brooklyn graduated from New York high school, her mother, Victoria, was crying and laughing with her eldest offspring on social media. For the first time in her emotional career, she admitted a fan. "" We are all so proud of you, Brooklyn. " The amazing results of the tests, you go up, we love you and we will miss you, yes, cry, I'm emotional.! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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