The influenza season is in full swing: how to prevent it in family?


Family tips to avoid the flu.

The flu in many parts of Slovakia is furious. However, that does not mean we can not defend it. Do you know what basic rules you should follow in your family to avoid having an uncomfortable illness and its repercussions in your home?

Increase your dose of vitamin C and check the level of vitamin D

During the flu season, it is not enough to consume enough fruit, and in children it is not very realistic either. Therefore, you should – the whole family – also take vitamin C in addition.

Vitamin C deficiency means greater susceptibility to disease and weaker immune system function. In foods, eat mostly oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, strawberries, peppers, spinach, cabbage and broccoli.

Even vitamin D has something to do with immunity. It is assumed that viral diseases are more common in winter, because we have less vitamin D during these months. For infants, pregnant women and the elderly, it is important to supplement this vitamin in winter.

If you are not sure you have enough vitamin D, do a blood test. Vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolks, dairy products and avocados. However, only small amounts of food are not enough to cover the daily needs in winter.

Sleep well

Lack of sleep means greater resistance to the disease. Make sure your children follow the rules of sleep hygiene, keep cell phones and tablets at least two hours before bedtime and sleep regularly that evening.

An irregular sleep, a late dinner at the weekend can reduce the quality of sleep and contribute to the disease.

The quality sleep of children and adults facilitates pleasant evening rituals, such as a hot bath, relaxation techniques, reading a book or a soothing conversation.

Insist on good hygiene

Domestic hygiene is a questionable subject. Some studies have shown that the sterile environment hurts children, but on the other hand, it is not good to ignore the hygienic habits.

Especially during the influenza season, it should be emphasized – and give the example – to wash hands after arriving home, before eating, after a meal, after each use of the toilet. The hygiene of mobile phones, printers, handles and switches is important.

Whenever they sneeze or get dirty, teach the children to cover their mouths with their hands as they wash themselves. It is also helpful to wash your hands after cleaning your nose. It is important to know that their behavior can also affect the health of others. indirectly cause their illness.

It's a big responsibility, is not it? In addition, there is evidence that good hygiene habits are the best way to protect against viral diseases.

When visiting a doctor

Staying in a full-time waiting room is a complete source of illness.

Whether your child is healthy or sick, try to minimize your stay in the waiting room. Ask about the number of people waiting for you and go at least for a while out of the waiting room – if you are not at the standby time.

One advantage is an outpatient clinic, and the system will tell you remotely how many patients are still in front of you. Until there are two or three in front of you, you do not have to be in the waiting room.

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