The influx of migrants will hit Spain New time


The director of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), Fabrice Leggeri, warned of the emergence of a new major road for migrants who are trying to travel from Africa to Europe.

According to him, he could drive via Spain, reported Saturday the DPA "If you ask me what is my biggest concern today, I will say that Spain" , expressed Leggeri for the German Sunday Welt am Sonntag. He noted that about 6,000 illegal passages from Africa to Spain were recorded in the western part of the Mediterranean in June

"If the numbers increase as recently, this route is the most important" said the head of Frontex. About half of the people currently using the road are Moroccan, the rest coming from West Africa

Leggeri has led plans to set up international cataclysms in Africa so that no one can ever assume that he was saved by the sea. will take in Europe. "If this automation stops, we will be able to successfully fight against such an economic model", said at a wedding ceremony

The last week's European summit participants, under the influence of the government crisis in Germany, including the possibility of placing migrants rescued at sea in central collection camps on European soil L & # 39; Establishment of similar camps is also considered in Africa Another planned measure is to increase the protection of the EU's external borders linked to the reinforcement of Frontex by 2020.

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