The inhabitants of Czechoslovakia also sent to the female gulag


The largest women's camp of the Soviet Union was near the Kazakh community of Akmol.

Two Czechs and one Czechoslovak from the interwar period appear on the list of friends in the former ALİIR (Akmolský labor camps of Czech women). On the site of the former Stalin Gulag near Akmol (formerly Malinovka), near the Kazakh metropolis of Astana, stands the ALŽIR Memorial, established on May 31, 2007 at the initiative President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

By order of the High Representative of the Soviet Union Josif Vissarionovich Stalin In 1937, the camp for women of the native country was built here. Thus, women from all over the Soviet Union were brought here, she said at the beginning of the show on the site of the Memorial ALŽIR, the guide Vachtygul Sachamov

The museum exhibition is located on the ground floor and on the first floor. The ground floor called Alaš consists of an exhibition of the history of Kazakhstan, the first floor with the name ALŽIR depicts the history and conditions of life of the camp

The Flower of Life [19659006] In the center of the memorial on the ground floor. He goes astray on the stone and says that, despite the horror and the suffering, life goes on. The composition is Freedom and Prison.

It is made by pigeons captured in networks and depicting prisoners from the former Soviet Union.

The exhibition presents the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, which was adopted on April 14, 1993. Its purpose is the complete rehabilitation of all innocent victims Retaliation and compensation for suffering and moral damage

The inspection of the ground floor ends with a second phase of retaliation in 1937-1938, when the bloody purge, mass arrest and l 39; Massive execution of men began in the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan, the whole Kazakh intelligence – writers, poets, journalists, doctors.

The largest women's camp in the Soviet Union

Men arrested and taken to camps or executed. "It is terrible, however, that the arrest has also affected innocent women, mothers, sisters and children from their homeland, they were burying them and taking them to women's camps.

The largest women's camp in the entire Soviet Union was ALŽIR, which was the only women's camp of this kind, "she said.The camp called ALŽIR after the The other name was on the 26th, if not the special department of Karlag, since ALŽIR was subordinated to the Karlag camp, about 50 kilometers from Karaganda.

On the memorial site ALŽIR, authentic photos of the members of the clergy, whose famous characters, actresses, doctors, engineers, agronomists, ballerinas, elites of the Soviet era, were exposed in Kazakhstan

Before the trip, women were often deceived, telling them that they were going to meet a man or relatives so they dressed well on the way.

There were 80 women in the wagon

There is a prison cell on the floor in the ALŽIR room. In these cells, women waited about two to six months for a sentence. After the sentence, they took them to other camps in the wagons.

One of them stands in front of the memorial. Its capacity was 30-40, but 70-80 females were pressed. The trip lasted two to three months. The minimum imprisonment time at ALŽIR was five to eight years. Even after the end of the sentence, many women were detained in the camp as soldiers' aides

. The first group of prisoners was taken to the camp on January 6, 1938. Immediately after the arrival, the women had to do hard physical work. The current village of Akmol was a bare step at the time. For the first time, women built barracks. They had to respect labor standards when they did not, they did not eat, they did not get 800 grams of bread, or they could not write a message from their home.

The most terrible play of the camp

turn. The guards also had dogs. Women were engaged in cattle raising, growing vegetables, fruit and, later, work clothes. Many of them died from exhaustion, cold and hunger.

The worst place for women was the work of an investigator. The prisoners had been late in the night, they were not allowed to sleep during the day. As women worked between 4 pm and 6 pm, not even 20 hours a day, they were afraid of having an interviewer.

One of the sufferings was that women had to sit on a high chair to keep their feet down. After five, eight hours or more in such a position, the women lost consciousness. To avoid being abused, they were ready to sign any declaration or admission – they were enemies of the people, led an anti-socialist revolution, they were Trotskyists, and so against the Soviet Union

Many were taken to the camp by the children

and taken care of them within three years, possibly with small children. Three-year-olds take their mothers and lead them to boarding schools in the Soviet Union

Another exhibition is the Gulag map (abbreviation gulag means the main administration of the camps). The headquarters was in Moscow and was subjected to 500 gulags across the Soviet Union

More than 20 years of existence, more than 20,000 women from 62 nations and nationalities were placed in the camp ALŽIR . The most numerous were the Russians, more than 4,000 and a very large number of Ukrainians and Jews.

In addition to many others, the mother of a Russian writer, prose writer, composer and screenwriter Bulat Okudzhava or a Russian dancer, the primitive artist of the Moscow Grand Theater.

When the memorial was opened in 2007, former prisoners began to enter and their children brought personal effects to the museum's fonds, which also became exhibitions

Around the memorial is the wall of memory with names 7620 ALŽIR-a. The list is always open, in the case of other documents, either in the archives or when they find loved ones in their personal belongings after their parents or their old parents or at home, j & # 39; will write the names of the victims in the memoirs of Sten

. female gulag

Akmolský pracovný “/>

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