The Japanese company wants to create the first artificial meteorite swarm


The Japanese start-up, the startup name of ALE Company, comes with a crazy company. The company is working on a technology to create more shooting stars on demand.

Customers would simply pay for this heavenly theater. The meteoric swarm is one of the most spectacular natural theaters, some of which are probably the most famous of the Perseids. They are also called the tears of St. Vavrinec, and the maximum will reach this swarm by mid-August

However, in the shooting star, it is necessary to wait, raven. In the night you can see several shooting stars (more precisely cometary particles), which is nothing compared to the ambitious plans of the young Japanese society

Japan Times writes that we could see the first swarm artificially created meteorite for two years. ALE Co. wants to create it with the pair of satellites that it sends to the orbit of the Earth.

The two satellites are still evolving. But the first in the space, according to the plans of the company, will be launched in March 2019 and the second a little later during the summer of the same year. It is not entirely clear how satellites create a swarm.

  meteoricky roj
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Satellites should release capsules containing a chemical compound whose reaction mimics the light and trajectory of cometary particles. Each satellite should contain several hundred capsules. At the same time, they can not be released.

Satellite life is planned for 24 months . Space fireworks can be transported to any place where the customer orders it or where it wants to observe. The problems should not even be large agglomerations with light pollution.

The company takes the project seriously, which is also attested early test report . The first "artificial fall stars" will be attracted to the inhabitants of Hiroshima and its environs in the spring of 2020. The company chose this region because of the weather, the landscape and the cultural context.

It's unclear what such a whim can do to this day. However, cheap entertainment is unlikely.

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