The Judicial Council has judged French. He wants to send a young lawyer to Luxembourg – Denník N


For the fifth time, the Judicial Council has selected the Slovak candidate for the position of Deputy Judge of the General Court of the European Union. With the approval of the government, we have so far sent three names, but all of the candidates have been found unsatisfactory. More recently, we will be calling on lawyer Michal Kucer, who works at the registry of the European Court of Human Rights.

The Slovak candidate will meet the language requirements for a vacancy for more than two years. The question is whether the advisory council of the EU Council, which will judge Kučeru, will not read another topic – the Slovak candidate has no experience of judicial practice. Kucera has a successful career in Slovakia. He worked for many years in Strasbourg, is also a member of the Disciplinary Council of the Council of Europe and has gained professional experience in renowned international law firms.

In January, a vote, now ten

The election does not take place for the first time. He was also among the candidates in the January election, when he received only one vote in the Judicial Council. What happened in ten months that he has already won ten votes?

Missed choices

– May 2015: The Council of the Judiciary elected Mary Patakywhose Advisory Committee expressed ignorance of French;

– June 2016: Jan Mazak miss a vote;

– September 2016: the winner of the election has become Radoslav Procházkawhere the Advisory Committee was concerned about its moral integrity;

– January 2018: The Council of the Judiciary elected Ivana Rumanu, who did not go through the Advisory Committee, is concerned that he has enough experience and skills to jump into the spirit immediately;

The chairman of the board, Lenka Praženková, only explains that because there were three candidates. He does not think that the previous vote casts doubt on his expertise. He thinks it will go through the advisory council of the EU Council. "His curriculum vitae and his experience," added the president.

Kucera explains his success with a better presentation. "The new tax, it is that when someone comes from abroad to settle at home, he has to set up a means of communication," he says. He was therefore more precise in the imagination of what he was doing. He disagreed that he was very involved in several European Court decisions. He also mentioned Cervanova, Malinová and Harabin.

Ján Mazák began with the presentation to the Judicial Council. Michal Kučera shot two. Stock Photo – TASR.

Kucera explained that after the failure of January, he had decided to run for the second time because he had "the idea of ​​being able to contribute effectively and actively to the decision-making process. of the Tribunal "and this is a tribute that the Bar and the Chamber of Notaries have again suggested to him. However, will he not fail because he does not have enough judicial practice?

"The purpose of this expedition is far away and the way forward is very difficult, so I will not comment on it, but I will do anything to succeed," Kučera added.

French test and informant's letter

Even his opponent is not unknown to the Judicial Council. Jan Mazák, former President of the Constitutional Court, has been Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union and currently serves as the adviser to President Andrej Kisk. Council member Jozef Vozár repeated it several times. He regularly reminds that it is a recognized legal capacity, not only in Slovakia, but also abroad.

In the Monday election, Mazak won only five votes,

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