The legendary Freddie Mercury revives the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer for the winter and promises a thrilling experience


Taste of the first trailer of the musical drama Bohemian Rhapsody that we had in May and which definitely did not sound bad. Biography on Life Freddie Mercury of the Queen had to deal with Bryan Singer

Instead, the project was taken over by Dexter Fletcher (Eddie l & # 39; Eagle). Rami Malek (Mr. Robot) and we have no doubt that he would not be able to play the role of a new trailer. He is bold, energetic and promises a great experience

Certainly, many people would like to be Mercury Sachu Baron Cohen who wanted to participate in the project, but resigned because of his creative disagreements. Malek will come to us as a solid replacement

In the photo, we look not only at the privacy of Mercury, but also the great popularity of the Queen. The demo is expertly crafted and one can expect a unique biography in cinemas. Because if someone does not deserve a mean and boring movie, it's just Freddie Mercury. Maybe the problems during shooting are not reflected on the screen.

Written by Anthony McCarten (The Theory of Everything), and next to Malek we will see Joseph Mazzello, Gwilyma Lee, Ben Hardy or Allena Leecha . The first will take place in our cinemas 1. November (November) 2018.

"width =" 700 "height =" 1112 "data-source =" 20th Century Fox "/>

The legendary Freddie Mercury contrast with bohemian rhapsody and promises a landmark experience "width =" 700 "height =" 1112 "data-source =" 20th Century Fox "/>

" width = "700" height = "1112" data-source = "20th Century Fox" />

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