The little ones wanted to send an anti-Semitic speech in a concentration camp! He left without punishment


The penalty of imprisonment at the lower half of the penalty rate with conditional delays and the imposition of probation is proposed by the prosecutor of the deputy Stanislav Mizik, who is the object of 39; an allegation of extremism for a dishonest status on Facebook. He spoke during the last speech at a hearing before the Pezinok Specialized Criminal Court (STS). "id =" 2213095 "border =" 0 "style =" width: 454px; "/>

Source: TASR / Michal Svítok

Mizika soud oslobodil

MEP Stanislav Mizik specialist penalty [)àPezinokmercrediilalibérédel'accusationSelonlejugeiln'apasétéprouvéquelestatutavaitétérédigéparundéputéLeprocureurainterjetéappelsurplacedesortequel'affaireseraportéedevantlaCoursuprêmedelaRépubliqueslovaqueLeflipperaabandonnél'call "None of witnesses asserted that the accused would declare to be the author of the text.The only relevant evidence was the written submissions made by the accused that were found during the visit to the office. The court itself did not consider the court as an extremist material.At the same time, we do not know when they were created, they were found over time, "

said the judgment of judgment

On the status of Margo he said that we do not know who gave it and what i complaint. "There are other options that the defendant himself has done", stated that the judge was not sure that Stanislav M. created the statute and the law. ;has published. "The prosecution has not been able to prove that it would commit an act in the indictment," added. The Mizik prosecutor was guilty of crimes of production and expansion of extremist material and defamation of nation, race and belief

  Stanislav Mizik Specialist Criminal

Source: TASR / Michal Svítok

"I disagree, and in my opinion the indictment clearly showed that Stanislav M." marked "his opinion on the We tried to protect the dignity of the members of the Jewish community in Slovakia, we failed.We filed an appeal, " responded to the prosecutor, who believes that Mizik is the author and assured the publication of the statute on the Internet

The deputy did not want to comment on the judgment, he wants to express his opinion only after its validity

"I did not write it, me either. the year there were articles that made fun of my name.Now it's over, it's over, we'll see what the Supreme Court says, " concluded. His lawyer added that the judgment is legal. "The court very objectively evaluated the evidence, we found no evidence to confirm that Stanislav M. placed this status on Facebook, the one who gave it we do not know and We did not investigate. "[196599023] Responded to Osviencim

The Prosecutor suggested to sentence Stanislaw Mizik to the lower limit of the rate with conditional delay and probationary supervision. He is punished from three to eight years for Facebook status. As part of the probation control, the Prosecutor proposes to Stanislav M. to conduct a visit of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Auschwitz in Poland with a professional interpretation and to confirm that he was there [19659020] Stanislav Mizík Specialist criminal ” id=”2213093″ border=”0″ style=”width: 454px; ” />

Source: TASR / Michal Svítok [19659027] LSN President Marian Kotleba was also present at OHS today. But he did not justify his presence, and he was not present. It was justified for family reasons. In court, he dismissed his remarks from the preparatory procedure. AJ he confirmed that the defendant MP Misaki can not work with a computer. His testimony was read by an autodidact. According to Kotleb's testimony, he did not see the status because he did not have a Facebook account. Who was its author, did not know

I was there in the pioneer quarters

At the last word, Mizik stated that he had not argued his case since the beginning, because his actions against him seemed unfair and he relied on the lawyers. He wrote on the aforementioned notes that he only verified the facts in the media. "The notes were written four days after the statue.I am innocent, I did not even have any status on the internet to write this text.In addition, in Auschwitz, I've been twice in pioneer camps, "[19659907] Stanislaw Mizik Specialized Criminal" id = "2213091" border = "0" style = "width: 454px; "/>

Source: TASR / Michal Svítok

Pavol Demjanič personally denounced the defendant at the hearing at the Slovak Historical Institute in Rome, and in 2010 he was a candidate for the NSNS. The promise of the expert took place at the hearing. He denied in his testimony that his candidacy for the LSNS had some influence on the report.

There is no doubt that the author of the text is Minor

The Prosecutor has stated that the Mischief is the author of the text that is the subject of the act d & # 39; # 39; accusation. "This is evidenced by the result of the inspection of premises in the RS, where handwritten notes written by the accused were found.He himself drew up a list of presidents of prominent personalities. The list then appeared on the Internet on the pages of the LSNS, the content of which was approved by Stanislav M. and covered in the past, " said the Prosecutor

  Stanislav Mizík Criminal Specialist

Source: TASR / Michal Svítok

According to him, there is no reason to doubt that the author of the text is Stanislav Mizík and that he was interested in publishing a defamatory text "None of his reactions after the act suggests that he was not the author of the text and that he would not be interested in the statue. was signed by his name He did not deviate evidence to support.The statute was presented as a representative of the LSNS, considered by the Attorney General as extremist "[19659907]

The prosecutor has therefore asked the court to focus on the meaning of the words and phrases published by the accused. "The status of the prosecutor, the public and the damages were understood. The statute was published with the purpose of deeply dishonoring the Jewish community. I consider that Stanislav M. accomplished the facts of the crimes of production and expansion of extremist materials and the cause of the defamation of the nation, race and belief, "[19659907] stated

that I I managed to administer the page on which the status appeared, called The Voice of Gemera / LSNS The witness, Rudolf Steigauf, who was sentenced to two years in prison for inciting the limitation of Rights, to ethnic, racial and ethnic hatred, just confirmed in court that he had been sentenced to death in 2013, respectively., 2014, administered, at the request of the minor defendant. "Since then, however, I have nothing to do with this page. This should be used to present the points of view. It was because Stanislav M. asked me to publish the text and I did it. I have no knowledge that other people will contribute to it. "[19659907] He discovered

According to his defense, he could not,

Defense, request the acquittal of the prosecution " It has not been proven that the act committed the accused. The remarks made during the show are proof of innocence, which occurred four days later. In addition, the notes themselves bear no sign of extremism, "said the defense attorney .He also reiterated that Mizik did not know how to work with his computer to write statutes.

The media themselves, not the Mizik, themselves propagate the status of the crime. The Prosecutor's claim that he did not recover his status is legally irrelevant. There is no insulting word in the law. Declare that someone is Jewish, Hungarian or Slovak without offensive attribute is not a defamation, he said the defender and admitted that the status raises the controversy, which was obviously the goal of an unknown author.According to the defense, the lawsuit is inadequate, the intention of the author can not be anticipated, but it must be proven. "There is no evidence to suggest that the defendant commits an act in the prosecution, e that the trial be released " Inspired by a successful documentary [19659905] Last year in November, the first he had a film about Dalibork, the" little painter ", whose room was full of Second World War. Daliborko presented their extremist views, the denial of the Holocaust and other Nazi outrages. The documentary film depicts the life of an ordinary man who professed a Nazi ideology, used to be a mother and was filming controversial videos. But Dalibor was harmless, and he really acted like a "gentleman".

At present, Daliborko confesses Buddhism. One of the reasons was the fear of being punished for his opinions. In the film, however, his girlfriend proposed to visit Auschwitz to confront him with his opinions. The film captures a controversial moment. At that time, the concentration camp was visited by one of the survivors. Daliborka did not retain anything, and she even spoke from her point of view. He even said that he lived well in the concentrators. Grandmother did not handle this conversation. The director also went into the picture and other visitors were offended.

A court with a member of the Kotleb party started on May 24. The Mizik faces a charge for a status on the social network in which he criticized the awarding of state awards by President Andrej Kisk on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the establishing the RS to people of Jewish origin or professing this belief. According to the indictment, these people denigrated and committed their defamation for their apparent affiliation to the race or for their religious belief.

On January 10, 2017, on the social network, the MP attacked the list of personalities awarded by President Andrej Kisk, interfering, inter alia, with their Jewish background. In this case, for example, it was the historian Ivan Kamenec, director Juraj Herz or Eva Mosnáková. According to the MP, President Kiska is either crazy or honestly devaluing Slovak honors. "The awarding of state honors by Kiskum reversed his reason," wrote further. Negatively commented on the awarding of the award to Michal Kaščák, who, according to Mizík, is the organizer of the Pohoda festival. At the address of the writer Daniela Šilanová, she writes that she was fanatical in gypsy habits

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