The measles epidemic in Lower Zemplín does not resolve itself


48 cases were confirmed, complications were reported in children

2. July 2018 at 18:45 TASR


In the districts of Michalovce and Sobrance, there are 89 cases of measles, of which 48 are confirmed in the laboratory

"There were 81 hospitalized patients, all with clinical signs, eight of them children was a complicated disease with pulmonary inflammation, "said the spokesperson of the Public Health Service (DZ) of the Czech Republic, Dascha Račková

The death of mosquitoes was not recorded in his words

The most diseases (20) are registered in the age group of five to nine years. A total of 19 patients are in the 15-19 age group. After 13 diseases, the groups are one to four years old and ten to 14 years old. Children under one year old are four. "The spread of measles cases in the Košice region continues despite anti-epidemic measures and can also be attributed to people living in a distressed community in the Michalovce district under unhygienic living conditions." this community is not sufficiently responsive to follow anti-epidemiological measures, "said Račková.

On the weekend, the hospital received seven new patients in the infectious diseases clinic of the Michigan Hospital

At the same time, there were ten layoffs, "informed Jana Fedáková of the World Health Organization which manages the hospital

Other hospitals of the region

Due to the increase in the number of these patients and the limited capacity of the Department of the diseases infectious

"In case of increase in the number of patients relative to the hospital capacity, other hospitals in the Kosice region should be prepared for the reception of patients, and we communicate with the Regional Office of Public Health of Michalovce. "Eastern Slovakia reports read on All reports of South Zemplin can be found at Czarzar Dolny Zemplin

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