The migration pact prompted parliaments! Lajčák is behind the disappearance, the mysterious words of Pellegrini


The coalition of the CIS, but also the opposition party of the SaS and the Movement We are an family are against the pact. Along with Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, Most-Hid is based in the coalition. If Parliament, by its resolution, blocked the approval of the United Nations Global Compact for Migration, Lajcak spoke of resignation. In Morocco, in Marrakech, a conference on the UN Global Framework for Migration will be held in December. Lajčák still stands behind the resignation resolutions, the deputies continue the debate.

Pellegrini will do everything to keep Lajčák as minister

The Prime Minister confirmed today that Slovakia would not be bound by the UN Pact. According to Pellegrini, the question is whether one of the representatives of Slovakia goes to Marakeš to discuss this document, which is only a technical question. However, he recalled that Miroslav Lajčák is really a good minister and an expert in the right place. According to him, it would be detrimental if Lajčák actually resigns.

"I will do everything to keep the minister, because Slovakia will preside over the big institutions.I think that if my government had to lose such an important diplomat and a fine man, that would be the great evil, so I will try to convince the minister to even if we have different things opinions, promoted the interest of the state, national interests, to the detriment of his personal preferences, " Said Pellegrini.

It does not matter if someone goes to Marrakech or not, according to the prime minister. What is important is that Slovakia is not tied to anything. He said it before the Wednesday government meeting. He admitted that, according to the analysis, the document itself is not legally binding. "We will only consider whether the reservations we have have to be presented in one way or another.We must realize that if we do not go there, there will be a conference that will not mention anything about Slovakia. And we will see if we send our opinion in writing or if we specify it, " approach. "Marrakesh for the RS will not be in any way binding, we are not in danger, others are technical problems that must not go to war", thinks the prime minister.

Lajčák is behind the death

There is always an alternative: if no one goes to the UN conference in Marrakech, the head of the Foreign Ministry, Miroslav Lajcak, will resign. He confirmed this before Lajčák himself today, who said that he was consistent in his opinions and statements. In his words, he must conform to his own conscience in his decisions and he will not go beyond this imaginary boundary.

Miroslav Lajčák

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

"It's important for me to decide according to my conscience I do not want to speculate, I've made it clear that I'm saying what I think I'm not fighting against anyone, my words are still paying off." J & # 39; said last week how it is and I am consistent in my statements ", said Lajčák. When asked if he would be a good substitute for him, Robert Fico, a member of the National Council, did not want Lajčák to answer that it was about speculation. . It was the name of the leader of the Smer-SD coalition to promote for a possible replacement of Lajčák. He threatened to resign if the Slovak representative did not attend the United Nations conference in Marrakesh.

In Parliament, everything is not rationality

Foreign Minister Lajčák perceives Parliament as much as possible, but not rationality. He said this in response to the situation in Ukraine, to which several members responded. "When I look at our parliament, I do not even know where we are" he said. According to Lajčák, the security strategy, developed by his department, is a good document. However, whether approved or not, Parliament must decide.

The migration pact sparked passion

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

"We have done our part and worked, we are in favor of this document, but now it is on the lines of the coalition, and the National Council of the RS," concluded Lajčák. Mr Lajčák also answered questions about the security and defense strategy approved by the Slovak government in the last year. Lajčák said that the security strategy developed by his department was a good document, but that it was already in the hands of the RS National Council.

Slovakia would lose the opportunity to act independently

Members continue the debate. The vote would be 11-ej and 17-ej. The debate will last until 8 pm – ej. Paška is convinced that the Member States which refer to the document undertake to take certain measures which, according to him, do not always correspond to the interests of Slovakia. "In some areas, the RS would have lost the ability to act alone" connections. Deputy Prime Minister Luboš Blah said that no diplomat should go to Marrákeš. "I am convinced that no Slovak diplomat can go to Marrakech." According to him, we must also understand what was said yesterday by Peter Pellegrini, namely that his government is doing nothing that could be perceived as a consent to the pact on migration.


Source: / Ján Zemiar

Government does nothing to limit sovereignty of RS

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini expressed himself and said that the Government of the Slovak Republic had taken no action that could be seen as a consent to the adoption of the Pact on Migration. The government has reservations about the pact, which also declared Pellegrini in Brussels. "The government is not doing anything to threaten or limit the sovereignty of the RS.The government will always protect the safety of citizens and ensure that decisions are made in a spirit of sovereignty and by ourselves" said Tuesday before opening the debate on the Pellegrini resolution.

Peter Pellegrini

Source: TASR – Jakub Kotian

"The Slovak Government has reservations about the text of the Marrakesh Protocol", said that the fact that the Slovak Republic has the right to itself to form a national migration policy and recognizes SR legal and illegal migration and illegal immigration, resulting in security risks considered harmful.

The IEC urges them to reject the pact

Citizens call for a resolution in which Parliament calls on the government to reject the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. Foreign Minister Lajčák suggests resigning if this resolution is approved. The IEC insists on its resolution and also asks that Slovakia not participate in the Marrakesh negotiations. Lajčák has an alternative resolution that he considers better than the national resolution and is pushing for participation in Marrakech.

Andrej Danko

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková.

IEC Vice President Anton Hrnko recalled that other member states, such as the United States, Australia, Israel and all V4 countries with the exception of the Slovakia, have already adopted a negative attitude towards this pact. But especially the country most involved in the drafting of the pact – Austria, as well as the initiating landscape of the Swiss pact – fell back. "A pact that does not bind anything is useless.The Convention, which would commit to support migration and give us responsibilities and potential migrants, is unbalanced and ultimately harmful.Therefore Slovakia does not is not supposed to participate in it or promote it during the Marrakech event ", Hrnko concluded.

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