The Ministry has published maps of agricultural areas, farmers may require direct payments


Minister of Agriculture Gabriela Matečná.
Photo: TASR

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MPRV) of the Slovak Republic publishes for the first time in the history of Slovakia the area managed by farmers and they can request direct payments.

Thanks to the unique cooperation with the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (SRGK), farmers will be able to manage their own cultivated land relations in a simple and transparent way, not only to control them, but also for actively manage. This was stated at the press conference of Gabriela Matecna (SNS), the vice-president of the government and the head of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Slovak Republic, with the participation of the president of the UGKK Maria Frindrichová.

"Since our inauguration, we have implemented measures of agricultural growth to increase transparency in agrosecore.We continue our efforts in this area and, in collaboration with the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, we bring a unique solution to the publication of the Land Registry LPIS, "The system we have launched is clear, user-friendly and, above all, not only the applicants but also the public can enter," said the mother. 19659006] Therefore, Agrorezort, in cooperation with the IMCS, goes beyond all the obligations arising from European or national legislation, and landowners and farmers can, on the basis of some evidence, verify the ownership of agricultural land

She pointed out that the year 2018 has brought a major change in agro – resourcing farmers in submitting unique applications after more than two years of work.For the first time in history, all candidates for so-called "direct payments for farmers to attach graphics attachments exclusively in electronic form (GSAA). The electronic graphic attachments covered up to 99.66% of the total area of ​​nearly 1.9 million hectares of agricultural land in Slovakia, representing 238,208 plots (about 98.88% of the total) . These data brought a new quality of data accuracy.

"The new ZBGIS Map client, which provides comprehensive geodesic, cartographic and cadastral information, was made available to the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic a year ago.The application is functional for displaying and interacting with digital data in the ZBGIS real estate cadastre, address register, reference geodetic points, raster maps from the archive, as well as the digital terrain model and geographic names, integrated into one unit, allowing to obtain more complete information on a given territory in terms of topography, "Frindrich said.

"Based on an agreement with the MPRV SR, we added a new layer, namely the LPIS Land Register, LPIS is shown in the map of the real estate cadastre, so that LPIS can be displayed with Real estate cadastral and SR orthophotomics Use in the field on mobile devices with the same appearance (responsive design) When you use the location of a mobile device via the GPS module, you can locate the function "View your location" directly on the ground where you are and thus get information on the terrain you are on, "added the HCGC chairman.

First, open the UGKK SR website and click on the "ZBGIS Map Client" folder. Subsequently, it is necessary to open the real estate cadastre, activate the LPIS layer and enter the village / parcel number.

Maps are visualized, understandable, easily (on a scale) can be adjusted for their transparency. Subsequently, the assigned ground block number or cultural work must be copied into the geopinitor application for GSAA support, managed by the Soil and Soil Protection Research Institute. (VÚPOP), on his website, direct payment

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