The Ministry of the Interior launched the campaign "Good advice before traveling"


which warns against human trafficking. The advertising campaign was launched in cooperation with Slovak Lines

Leaflets can be found at bus stops in Bratislava and Malacca, as well as on some regular bus routes abroad, the airport of Schwechat and Vienna.

"Through pamphlets in a simple and understandable language, travelers can learn basic information about human trafficking, opportunities to help victims, useful tips when searching for information. a job Michaela Paulenová of the Press Department of the Ministry of the Interior

The leaflets also find current contacts with Slovak embassies and consulates abroad as well as with the line of d & # 39; 39 National Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking with the number 0800 800 818.

According to Paulen, many tips are also useful for leisure travel abroad. "

Center d & rsquo; Information on the fight against human trafficking and crime prevention The Ministry of the Interior has also started to cooperate with the youth information centers of all Slovakia. "We have provided them with promotional material that, in an understandable and appropriate way, warns young people of the potential risks of human trafficking and informs them of the support possibilities they find themselves in. such a situation, "added Paulen. (TASR)

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