The missing sister-in-law of Topoľský was found


Days and silent nights are over! The actor Pavol Topolski (57) and his partner Vierka (29) have had their heads since last Saturday in the sadness and worry about Vierka's sister, Janka (31).

The friendly brunette disappeared without a trace even without a cell phone. The family harassed friends, friends and asked for help on the social network, and the police conducted the search. Finally, the lawyers pointed out a young woman in a place where no one would look for her Topolski, who fell from his heart, told New Time how his sister-in-law had found him.

Topol and his partner Vierka have been in recent days like thorns. Sister Janka's witch left the house last weekend and nobody knew anything about her. The frightened family also reported her innocence to the police and she asked people to hear when they saw her somewhere.

  Topoľského Open the gallery

The actor himself did not even play with his friends, theoretically, it could have been, but it did not n? has not succeeded. Finally, however, Topolski and his partner were lucky. "They found her on Wednesday around 6:37. First, she identified her in a shopping center in Bratislava, where she had seen her several times. Thanks to share the request on the social network, a gentleman said that he saw walking into a hotel near the mall The witch immediately called the police, "Topolski said at the New Time of the circumstances of this enormous happiness in misfortune.

Lawmen can not agree. "They were very fast and professional, they arrived, in five minutes.Highly sensitive and skillfully picked up and imported.If well equipped," he excited the actor who was worried with his partner because Janka might be disoriented – and more, something similar happened in the past

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Explained at

A friendly black haired woman who, with her mysterious disappearance, had brought her to the attention of her relatives, had something to explain to her. Police records said that she even had a suitcase with her. The family therefore considered that she could be located in Bratislava, but she did not have to do it. "Yes, she explained, everything is fine.Sharing on the social network certainly makes sense because otherwise it would have almost said that he saw it" concluded Topolský, who so, with his partner, after four days of insecurity and fear can finally breathe

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