The moon casts a bloody shadow: We are waiting for the event of the century, in July you will see the sky


This extraordinary heavenly event can be enjoyed on Friday, July 27, in the evening. "It is the first eclipse of the moon after a three-year break, and at the same time the longest lunar eclipse in this century," said Július Koza of the year. Astronomical Institute SAV. This is an unusual trajectory of the month, which is completely hidden in the shadow of the Earth for 104 minutes.

Overall, the eclipse lasts until four o'clock. The beginning of the Celestial Theater will be shortly after 8 pm . "The complete eclipse starts at 9:30 pm and ends at 11:13 pm Partial eclipses will end shortly after midnight," advises an expert.

  The Moon casts a bloody shadow:

Source: TASR / AP Photo / Manu Fernandez

This year's eclipse will be specific to something else. The moon is "mopped up" in red tones as it transitions to the shadow of the earth for a certain period of time. This phenomenon, also known as the "bloody month," was a major event for cultures around the world. In reality, the phenomenon is only a "play of light" – the sun's rays in the earth's atmosphere are broken so that only the red part of the spectrum enters the moon's surface during

These two attractions make the July event unleashed. , nor the occasional romance, should not have missed. Physicist Goat advises you how to make the most of the event. "This is enough for the tourist, respectively, hunting binoculars, which can be attached to a tripod.It is possible, it is advisable to choose the site of observation in a dark place with southeastern and southern horizons uncovered. " It is also advisable to choose such a place of observation where the least disturbing lighting is

 The Moon casts bloody shadow:

Source: TASR / Red Huber / Orlando Sentinel via AP

The Slovak Observatory and Planetariums will hold astronomical observation at this time under the guidance of experienced experts. "Their visit may be an appropriate extension of a Friday holiday evening," said Goat.

Lunar mooning is a fairly common phenomenon. The last was visible on our territory three years ago, for the next we can enjoy it in January 2019.

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