The Moon of July will tear us away from dreams


Slovakia, July 22 ( – The summer break will be famous. He will take care of the complete eclipse of the Moon. We also have a positive message for the workers – it will be Friday night and the time will be seen

Outstanding phenomenon

If it seems to you that the eclipse of the moon is more common compared to the sun , you are right. But July will be interesting for a few reasons: it will be complete after three years, and it will take a long time.

"It is the longest eclipse of the moon in this century with the duration of the full-phase 104 minutes" Astronomer Julius Koza SAS Astronomical Institute. In the image, published on July 11, 2018, a visible part of the starry sky with a milky way above a large telescope is visible in the observatory of Roque de los Muchachos on the 39th. Canary Island of La Palma.

Photo: TASR / AP

When to look up

Start of the sunny day 20:24 h.
] 22h22
End of the complete thaw 23h13
End of the partial eclipse 00h19, 28 July

Source: www.astro. sk

Underwater View

An amazing astronomical phenomenon occurs at a time when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in a line, the shadow of the planet falling on our natural satellite. By the end of July, geometric indicators will affect the length of the eclipse "The moon will cross the widest part of the Earth's shadow near its center" An astronomer explains [19659011] Position of individual space objects in the starry sky during the full moon Photo: Astronomical Institute of SAV – Julius Koza

The moon is also a good time to realize some interesting natural principles. If you look at it from the very beginning, note that from our point of view, the Earth's shadow begins to "go out" on the east side of the moon's surface. "This proves that the Moon is actually moving from west to east, but we perceive its apparent movement from the eastern horizon to the west, which gives us the rotation of the Earth. ", said the astronomer and added that the ancient Greeks had learned, based on the shadow of the circular earth, that our planet was round

An interesting fact is that eclipses are closely related to volcanism. and the meteoric activity. Observe the eclipse can be a measure of dust and pollution of the Earth's atmosphere

The stars like on the palm

The duty of the magic theater is not just the It eclipses itself, but all the starry sky. The moon will cross the constellation Capricorn during rush hours. Above the horizon, we can find the red side of Mars and the right side of Saturn on the south side of the sky.

Antares and Jupiter will be brilliant. If you decide to get out of the city lights at the moment of excitement, you will also have a beautiful view of the Milky Way

Position of individual space objects in the starry sky during the full moon eclipse
Photo: SAV Astronomical Institute – Július Koza

The Journey Behind the Darkness

The Idea a program for vacationers is sometimes a superhuman performance. Excavation can be an adventure that will connect the whole family and you do not need special equipment to do it. A closer look can also be achieved by conventional binoculars. But to find a nice place in nature, where the view of the sky does not disturb smog

"The moon will be truly unforgettable, massive and red and fascinating.The night landscape acquires a mystical touch." says Astronomer Marek Husarik

The Mars planet will approach the smallest distance in the last 15 years with the longest moonlight of the 21st century on July 27, 2018.
Photo: TASR / AP

And finally, another conversation in the soul from the astronomer: "Dear parents, on July 27 do not send children to bed at night, but go with them to nature this show of exceptional space.The summer is the best time for the summer.The fullest eclipse the closest will take place on January 21, 2019 with the l & # 39; gunsmith, and he will probably be few out, " Husarik added

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