The most drained points of Earth


The recordings of our owner, with a taste, are not only lovers of geography. That's why we bring you more – the most accessible places on our planet

The size of the world is about 510 million km 2 . From this, the mainland is not even 30%, about 149.5 million. km 2 . This number seems to be also the furthest country in the world (Russia, about 17 million km 2 ). And what are our small European scales, the size of which is tens of thousands? Despite the high population of the blue planet, we record points in the world that you would find anywhere . Or nothing else, just an endless water level

The furthest place inhabited by humans

The island of Tristan Da Cunha with about 250 inhabitants, is of the second colony thousand km . However, there is no airport, so the only possible transportation to this remote volcanic island is with the boat. One of them is also headed by the Republic of South Africa. This is a strong word, however, because it measures the road only 8/9 times a year. By the way, the length of the aforementioned ship is about 2400 km. A the nearest airline to Tristan Da Cunha ? The Island of Ascension, where you would have sailed for a week . In addition, access is subject to the island's management license. But if you can do it, you will not even find crime or unemployment

  More Desperate Points on Earth   More Desperate Points on Earth Points on Earth "width =" 800 "height =" 600 "data-source =" wikipedia / michael clarke stuff "/>

The Largest Island Abandoned

This reference was owned by the Canadian Association Island Devon . is the 27th largest island in the world and it is a little bigger than Slovakia.There was a base in the first half of the 20th century, but now you can not find anything except a test facility of NASA robot for the future colonization of Mars.Even Antarctica has a higher population density due to scientific basis

The most drained points of the Earth "width =" 800 "height =" 600 "data-source =" wikipedia / Anthonares "/>  The most drained points of the Ter re

Devon Island – its desolate surface, explicitly invites NASA to perform its tests for Mars The most remote part of the country

Abandoned The island of Bouvet located in the southern hemisphere and almost continuously covered with ice, surprisingly surprises Norway. The closest continent is the Antarctic continent, about 1600 km away. However, if you were here and would be in contact with human contacts, you will have to make a 2250 km cruise to the island of Tristan Da Cunha . Yes, the speech was already there. Thus, the nearest inhabited place to the abandoned Bouvet Island is the most remote place of man

<img class = "lazy" src = "" data-original = "" alt = "The most drained points on Earth [19650029]

  The most desirable points on Earth <img class =" lazy "src =" " data-original = "" alt = "of the sea level

If we take into account the entire surface of the earth 39; ie the South Sea, the furthest point from the level of the ocean would of course be Mariánska priekopa . Nearly 11 km deep represents a greater distance, such as Mt. Everest altitude. However, a lot of people went there. But how much have they reached the bottom of this trench? Only three, which means in the end that was also four times the number of people on the moon .

"width =" 700 "height =" 570 "data-source =" wikipedia / U.S. Naval Historical Center "/>

" width = "700" height = "570" data-source = "wikipedia / U.S. Naval Historical Center" />

Oceánsky pól nedostupnosti ] furthest from any land, is called Point Nemo and can be found in the Pacific (48 ° 52 "36" D, 123 ° 23 & 36; DW). Even the boats do not get used to driving the trip. The continent's fastest managed to get to this point by boat in more than 15 days. It is 2688 km from the nearest mainland – the Ducia Islands (Pitcairn Islands), Motu Nui (near Easter Island) and Maher (near Antarctica). This place in the Pacific Ocean is also known as the Pacific Ocean. cemetery of satellites . She ended here, for example. and the MIR space station, which has left a trace of debris 1500 km long and 100 km wide

For space agencies, it is better to move the satellite to the furthest point of civilization. And when we are with these satellites, this place is so far away from civilization that it flies over spaceships with cosmonauts, the crew members are de facto the civilization closest to this point ( about 415 km)

<img class = "lazy" src = "" data-original = "https: //i.refresher .sk / public / zachi00 / poly_nedostupnosti / oceansky_pol_nedostupnosti_wiki_Timwi.jpg "alt =" The most desperate points on Earth

<img class = "lazy" src = " gray.gif "data-original =" "alt =" The highest points on Earth

<img class = "lazy" src = "" data-original = "" alt = "The points the highest on Earth [19659021] <img class = "lazy" src = "" data-original = " /oceansky_pol_nedostupnosti_wiki_Timwi.jpg "alt =" The highest points on Earth

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The farthest point of the ocean

Record The continental pole of Unavailability is located in Asia . Although subject to controversy and calculation, it is located in several places but all are located somewhere in northwestern China, near the border with Kazakhstan. 2510 km (hacked: 44 ° C) from the nearest sea / ocean (item: 46 ° 17'0 "SS, 86 ° 40'0 "17" 24 "SS, 82" 11 "24" O). It was the mouth of the Ob River that made it difficult to determine the end of the river and the ocean

For the sake of completeness, the pole of unavailability African (Central African Republic) is 1815 km from the sea, 1650 km North America (United States), 1550 km South America (Brazil) and 920 km Australia (Australia)

[196590038] [196590038] [196590038] ]  The most drained points on Earth

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