The most popular Android device is still Nougat, Oreo has exceeded 12% [7/2018]


The latest statistics on the percentage of use of different versions of the Android operating system have been published by Google in May 2018. According to the latest Android Oreo, about 5.7% of devices worked, with a share of 31.1%. (19659002) Our advice

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The data is collected according to the use of the Google Play Store, the statistics being accounted for on the whole of July to yesterday, ie 23.7 Of course, the list includes versions with less than 0.1% of use

Android 8.0 Oreo is currently installed around ten percent of Android smartphones. latest version 8.1 runs on a much smaller number of devices, but that's about 2% .At total, Android Oreo runs on 12.1% of devices, so updates are a little faster than the # 39, last year at Androide Nougat

It's Android Nougat [1965] 9008] The most used Android is the Nougat version. It is installed up to 30.8% of Android devices. Followed by Marshmallow with 23.5 percent, Lollipop still holds more than twenty percent. Here is the version of Oreo and just behind KitKat with 9.1%.

The slow progress of Android Oreo is a little disappointing. This operating system has been on the market long enough to allow manufacturers to update their devices. As usual, the updates will be prioritized by the flagship vessels of previous years, cheaper devices will be available later, or will not be able to see the update. This can be a problem because compared to the more expensive devices, cheaper is sold a lot more. The fact is that the Android P is already behind the door, with just over 12% of the devices running on Androide Oreo

Android Version Procent of July 2018
Android 2.3 Gingerbread 0.2%
] Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 Jelly Beans Android 4.2 Jelly Beans Android 4.1 Jelly Beans Android 4.1 Jelly Beans ] Android 4.0 Lollipop ] Android 4.0 Lollipop Lollipop Android 4.0 Android 4.0 Lollipop Android 4.0 Lite
Android 4.0 Oregon 10.5%
Android 4.0 Nougat 21.2%
8.1 Oreo 2.0%

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