The OĽANO movement criticizes the management of state railways, cost-price T-shirts and scouring pills


BRATISLAVA, July 24 ( – According to the OĽaNO movement, the railways of the Slovak Republic are wasting their purchases of ordinary work equipment

Opposition representatives have made know Tuesday that the rail infrastructure manager was buying t-shirts. for work clothes and portable lamps, the night volumes at prices considerably higher than those on the market

"The total savings that we have calculated on these three purchases of 39, equipment work are about 200 000. eur, " said deputy and Minister of Transport for the shadow Ján Marosz.

For this amount, it would be possible to fix, for example, a participation on the Trnava line so that IC trains must not slow down quickly. "They are just random examples, but they reflect the way the railways handle taxpayers' money" Marosz says:

They also approached a large employer

Transport expert Jiří Kubáček that the ŽSR bought 16,000 short-sleeved cotton and its small logo of the company REMPO in Bratislava, p. r. o. for EUR 6,31 per piece excluding VAT. According to him, the company offers similar t-shirts on its website for 2.90 euros, while another producer has prepared an offer for them at the price of 2.17 euros per article on request

"We also approached a large employer in Slovakia, she buys work shirts for her employees even for 1.99 euros excluding VAT.If ŽSR bought these shirts at the usual market price, they would have saved more than 66 thousand.

At the same time, ŽSR bought 80,000 packs of workwear powder from FOREX brokers in the Czech Republic, pro for EUR 3.12 per piece. According to an expert from the supply movement, for 1.70 euros, special powders for work clothes are even cheaper.In this case, the railway, says Kubacek, could save more than 131 thousand EUR

Košická firma KONEX Elektro, spol. s ro, committed to providing night railways for EUR 178.89 per item "We are confident that, even with a very conservative consideration, it is possible to estimate an additional cost of less one hundred euros. Since the railway has taken two hundred pieces of these lamps, we estimate the volume of frills at 20 thousand.

Investing in Railway Repair

OLEO is gravely concerned that railways are not profitable even with larger and more sophisticated tender calls. For example, with the planned delivery of CCTV or computer technology

"The goal, not only of ours, but above all current managers of CSR, should be an immediate halt of waste and investment in track repair, because the disastrous condition of the lanes contributes to train deceleration and passenger complaints ". according to the deputy, is constantly worsening and between 2012 and 2017 the proportion of non-compliant sections increased from 23% to 28% . "People have to withstand various restrictions on almost all thirds of roads, and in many sections the rails are so broken that trains have to run more slowly and are short-lived." Mal bus incident Čepčín

It mentions the modernized section between Trnava and Leopoldov, where trains and IC speeds since the beginning of the year have so far decelerated from 160 km / h to 60 km / h for an incorrect crossover. In Bratislava, the trains between Petržalka and New Town go from 80 to 50 km / h for the muddy tunnels

"The most acute case is that of Humenné – Stakčín to a seat, where the gauge has been changed in some places. " Marosz added

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