The Olympic winner Matej Tóth has traveled 100,000 kilometers!


"This is not the data of the driver of Friday … but my sum of mileage for 22 years according to the training logs," wrote the footballer Matej Tóth on his profile on the social network Facebook. the sum of his "mileage" of the season 1996/1997. This year he had 1964 kilometers in 1964.

A year later it was over 3000 kilometers. A year later, 4000.

In seven seasons, he managed to cross the 5000-kilometer line. Olympic winner and world champion Matej Tóth arrived with the most kilometers in the 2008/2009 season – he was an incredible distance of 5782 kilometers. It averages 481 kilometers a month and more than 16 kilometers a day.

Just for tourism, our country's area is 40,075 km. Matej Tóth would have spent two and a half times.

European Championship

Mateja Tótha is waiting for the European Championship in Berlin this year.

The three-time European champion and Diniz world champion will not start, although he originally planned to fight for the fourth consecutive gold medal . The European athlete on his twitter account Monday shortly before 4 pm reported that the 40-year-old French hockey champion had to abandon his start to the European Championship for a fracture of fatigue.

Just Diniz was supposed to be the most rival rival of 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic champion Matej Tóth in the European title match. In 1964, Yannann Diniz won the FIFA World Cup for the third consecutive time (Göteborg 2006, Barcelona 2010, Zürich 2014) and added a world record of 3:32:33 h. n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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