The ombudsman will go to pride, CIS wants to appeal


The Ombudsman has already responded to the intervention of the Minister of Justice, Gábor Gála (Most-Híd), on a planned change in the engagement relationship that would reflect homosexual property of same-sex couples .

Personal participation and hanging rainbow flag in office. In this way, the public rights defender Mária Patakyová supports the Saturday Rainbow Pride, which begins in the afternoon on the Hviezdoslav Square in Bratislava.

The CIS Coalition sees the mediator as a problem, declaring its participation in the Dúhov Pride 2018 a failure.

Pataky released the rainbow flag Friday (July 13). Even before that, the SNS warned him. At the same time, the event will be interpreted personally since "the situation of human rights has not changed since last year."

The Ombudsman has already replied to the comment from the Minister of Justice Gábor Gála (Most-Híd) on a change of commitment reflecting

In a letter to him, he appreciates his attempt to change, but at the same time stresses that the situation must be addressed as well. completely as possible

"To meet the requirement to respect and protect the family and private life of same-sex couples will have to be legally adjusted not only to certain parts of the same life of couples but to their life together in the broadest sense, "wrote Pataky in a letter

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. ready to enact a law regulating registered partnerships it is necessary to amend several legal norms governing the family and private life of same-sex couples

In particular, the rules governing the possibility of being close, l & # 39; access to information on the state of health of the partner and the right to remain a partner] Pataky claims that the legal control of homosexual relations and the absence of legal regulation of the family and private life of couples of the same sex in Slovakia are indefensible in the long term from the point of view of the international obligations of the Slovak Republic in the field of human rights. That's why he personally supports Rainbow Pride.

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The First Vice President of the IEC, Jaroslav Paška, said that a person who does not refer to the rights of unborn, handicapped, old, sick or socially dependent children and only refers to them. to public defenders of rights. 19659003] "It aims to protect the fundamental rights of Slovak citizens, irrespective of religion, origin, sex, age, nationality or medical fitness, by putting the law in place. Emphasis on protecting the most vulnerable groups of the population and individuals The Office of the Public Defender of Rights is and should serve all citizens of the RS, not just the LGBTI popular mediator, "he said [19659003TheCISacceptstheperceptionofsexualorientationasaprivatematterunlessitinterfereswiththerightsofothersbutitconsidersitremarkablethatifLGBTIpeopleareseekingapublicservicethequestionofsexualityisprimarilyapersonalandnotapublicissue

"After assuming a more important public function, the abusive position will not be abused to meet the needs of the gay community."