The opposition wants to call an extraordinary committee for the SAS situation


Veronika Remišová and Miroslav Sopko and Branislav Gröhling want an extraordinary school committee to call a stalemate at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Opposition deputies Veronika Remišová and Miroslav Sopko, as well as Branislav Gröhling of SaS, wish for an extraordinary meeting of the National Council's Committee for Education, Science, Youth and Sports (NR ). The reason is the situation at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV). At the press conference, the vice chairman of the Education Committee, Remišová, informed that opposition deputies would start collecting signatures for his extraordinary summons.

According to Remišová, SAV is the most reliable institution in Slovakia. She recalled that scientists have achieved excellent results in different fields. She pointed out that during this period the SAV is being transformed into public research institutes

. "It is unacceptable that SAV finds itself in a situation similar to Chapter 22. The bottom of the dispute is that Education Minister Martina Luby CIS) does not want to register SAV constitutions before the internal regulations are published. According to an independent analysis, it is not a condition of registration, and SAS can not prove them objectively before the creation of VVI, "said Remišová

The Ministry of 39 Education should try to facilitate the process because it is the pillar of our science so bureaucratic complicates and puts the scientist under his feet, "Remišová said. "

" I believe that the real reason for the dispute is not the administrative problems, but the efforts of the CIS to reverse the current direction of the SAS and replace it with its own people. The ministry has started to fight for a word and is ready to force the existence of the SAV under an emergency regime, "said Mr. Gröhling.

The Vice President of the Committee of the 39 education noted that the signatures would be gathered in the next few days to be there, Mr. Minister.According to our information, it is vacant.We will wait for all parties.If it was ours we call it this week, "Remišová said. The Ministry of Communication and Protocol of the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport said the minister would very much like to join the parliamentary committee and provide all the information to MEPs. As stated later, "even what they presented at the press conference on Thursday, it is clear that they do not have them."

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At the same time, the Education Council says that the situation is already a little reminiscent, homework and the teacher must be a teacher. At the same time, he adds that it depends on the further development of SAS and therefore insists on a comprehensive and consistent approach to the registration of VVI to which are to be transferred the major assets of the state , namely all citizens of the RS

. in the future, this process could not be challenged by anyone, "the ministry said. At the same time, he praised the fact that the directors of some of the institutes of the Academy had shown interest in a normal, constructive and substantive discussion: "Like us, they also have an interest and a sincere effort to deal with it. Together we are working on such solutions.

SAV, according to its president Pavel Šajgalík, unites and calls for the transformation process of SAS institutes into public research institutes (VVI)

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"We are entering a vicious circle, we gladly hand over all the documents, but we have no conviction and think that there is good will in the education sector" said Shajgalik Friday, July 27. He reiterated that the current status of VAS means that if the ministry is right, we have an VVI for which the property is neither mental nor material and sits on the premises of state institutions. "It's illegal." At the same time, administrators in this state are not sure of being administrators, "he explained, continuity not being preserved, and constitutions have serious problems

The problem resolves

that the SAS has delivered all the necessary documents for the registration of its organization in the VVI register before the legal deadline until May 31st.

Also, in his own words, the Department of Education requests out-of-law after-sales documents. "We tried to help SAV to overcome this void, the school committee filed an amendment to the SAS Act to treat it so that organizations that could not provide documents can do so. President Andrej Kiska, however, has made the law and we must deal with it now, with the SAV, "he added, adding that it is still possible for individual SAS institutes that have the documentation to be registered gradually

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