The other states of the EU report the same thing


The measles epidemic, which is a current problem in eastern Slovakia, is continuing in other states of the European Union.

Most cases were recorded by Italy (2931), Greece (1766), France (1147), Romania (870) and Great Britain (840) as of May 31, 2018. "Anyone who travels to a country affected by measles and who is not properly vaccinated with two doses of the mercury vaccine is at risk of contracting the disease associated with measles" said Račková .

Bees are among the most serious viral diseases of childhood, and their seriousness lies in the frequent complications such as inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, ears and central nervous system. The disease causes the measles virus of the paramyxovirus group, the incubation time is about ten days

In Slovakia, the measles epidemic is still ongoing in the low During the quarter (26.7.) There are 306 cases, of which 168 are (19459004) Michalovce recorded 297 diseases, most of them in Michalovce (120) and Veľké Kapušany (74) In the district of Sobrance, nine diseases were recorded. "In nine sick children, the disease was complicated by inflammation of the lungs and the implementation of the anti-epidemic measures continues," said Račková.

In connection with the measles outbreak that erupted in May, Michalovce declared two weeks ago a special situation for the Michalovce district. (1969008)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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