The pair of Czechs is sealed in Turkey


The Turkish Supreme Court sentenced Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas of Czechoslovakia to six years and three months in prison for cooperating with Yugoslav Kurdish militia YPG, whom Turkey considers to be a terrorist organization.

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<img-5b560ff3cb22f "class =" lazy_load "src =" http: // "data-1024 =" " data-1024×2 = "https: // t "title =" (ilustračné foto). | Nový Čas "alt =" (19659004). We can confirm that the Supreme Court of Ankara has officially upheld the verdict of a lower court, "said Valentova." We have received information from the lawyers found guilty, "she added. At the same time, the spokeswoman warned that the verdict "all remedies of the Turkish legal order have been exhausted." The two Czechs threatened to imprison up to 15 years

However, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to continue to act.Valvan has argued that "convictions can be brought before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg." But it is unclear whether this court would have agreed, added Martin Smolek, Deputy Foreign Minister for the management of the legal and consular section, has already requested a meeting with representatives of the Ministries of Business foreign and e Justice with whom he wants to discuss

Czech diplomacy does not want to comment on possible developments. It is unclear whether there is hope that Všelichová and Farkas can serve some of the punishment in Czech prisons. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said that the pair of convicted Czechs is still in a prison in the eastern city of Van, continues to receive consular assistance and is in good physical condition

Vselich and Farkas detained the Turkish-Iraqi border in November 2016. Turkey has accused them of supporting terrorists because they have helped Kurdish militias known as the Armed Forces. People's Self-Defense (YPG). They support both the United States and other countries, but Turkey regards them as a terrorist group.

Both sentences resisted by providing only humanitarian aid to Kurth and trying to build a field hospital. According to Ankara, however, Farkas directly helped the fighters The Sabah daily wrote last year that was acting as a sniper. Všelichová, according to the newspaper, in addition to the provision of medical assistance, consulted and coordinated the arrival of new "volunteer-terrorists".

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