The pensioner, who apparently jumped out of the social settlement window in Košice, also had psychological problems


KOŠICE, July 24 ( – Ján Valko, director of the social service center of Garbiarska Street in Košice, expressed his opinion on the cause of the death of Marianny T., 76, Marianny's client T.

from the window, they found lying on the grass on Saturday morning in the center. The director regretted the situation. He did not mean if the suicide was involved

He said that the case is currently being investigated by the police, who ordered a medical-medical dissection and its outcome is not still known

The result of autopsy decides the following procedure

The client Mariann T. jumped out the window on the fourth floor Saturday. She was in the room on the first floor. The body was found to find an employee after six hours with another client. (19659006) Death "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset ="×54.jpg 81w, https: //×451.jpg 676w,×107.jpg 160w, https: //×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w, https: //×80.jpg 120w, 724w "sizes =" (max- width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # 535f7b "/>

To date, she has no official report on the cause of death of one 76-year-old woman, after receiving the official report on the result of the autopsy, the police decide to proceed.]

Valko told reporters that the client had long been in the institution and that She was suffering from several diseases and had equal psychological problems

"Since 2014, she has been under psychological supervision. Many psychiatric examinations were recommended by our psychiatrist, but she refused to have her psychiatrist. In October last year, she was ranked fifth in the care of her, " said Valko.He testified that she had no relatives in Slovakia. 19659004] When reporters asked her if it was possible to prevent a tragic event, Valko said that she was poor in Tract B, where customers are checked for the eighth evening, but then they can "The biggest problem is that customers are not obliged to give us reports of their specialists and often before us

  The flame, the fire

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