The Pope condemned trafficking in human beings and called for urgent help


The pope spoke to the pilgrim gathered at Námestí sv. Peter at the Vatican.

On Sunday, Pope Frantisek called for the fight against the dishonest crime of human trafficking and stressed that he was often linked to the smuggling of migrants

In his speech to the pilgrims gathered at Námestí sv . Petra the Pope condemned that many adults and children were smuggled into slavery – for forced labor, prostitution, organ trafficking, racketeering with extortion and other types of crimes

František a noted that the United Nations want to discuss Monday raise public awareness to the promotion of the fight against trafficking

The pope also pointed out that human traffickers and exploiters often lure their victims along the roads borrowed by migrants to illegally reach economically developed countries

and prostitutes

Frantisek called on people to realize that trafficked persons often move in their immediate neighborhood. He noted that this phenomenon is also present in Rome. According to the AP, the AP had a pope thinking of prostitutes on Roman streets, many of whom were tempted by pioneers in Africa or Eastern Europe to work in Europe.

In his speech to the pilgrims, the pope returns to the text of this Sunday's Gospel. 15) on the miraculous raising of bread. The saturation of the crowd, which is said in the Gospel of John, is, according to the Pope, a challenge to concrete actions of solidarity. These are needed to be credible as Christians

Frantisek noted that in addition to spiritual claims, the physical needs of neighbors should be perceived – for example, to feed the hungry. "(F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n

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