The pope reportedly told Parliament: "Who is anti-Semitism?" He is not a Christian


"The resolution is not democratic, and your definition also prohibits objective arguments based on arguments", he said that, according to Danko, anti-Semitism is also a common critic. "So, it should not be just a matter of hate The problem with your definition is that it does not distinguish whether criticism is a lie or a truth", Schlosar added.

Danko Kotlebovcom has remembered the words of Pope Benedict XVI. "If you use Christianity and talk about Biblical topics, you can also look at some basic things in the Pope's statements." The Christian can not be anti-Semitic. Benedict XVI said that the responsibility for betrayal and the execution of Christ has all humanity, not just the Jews. he said. "I'm ashamed of you" Danko said. Milan Mazurek, party member "Most Slovaks ashamed abroad for him as head of parliament".

Ondrej Dostal, a member of SaS, said the boys in the plenary were anti-Semitic. "Which creates misleading claims and ideas about the power of the Slovaks, which attributes the responsibility of the Slovaks to the actions of the people as a nation and which will be foreign, reasonable, to say that the living Slovaks are responsible for the Holocaust ? " Dostal asked. According to him, the Kotlebovci today showed that we had anti – Semitism in Slovakia. "Do you have such a terrible need to say that the Jews murdered Christ?"he said, adding that he had been invited to join the debate on this proposal.

The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Danko, presented a draft resolution of the Slovak National Council on the definition of work of anti-Semitism developed by the International Alliance for the Memory of the Holocaust (IHRA) and adopted by its 31 participating states, including the Slovak Republic, on May 26 in Bucharest. In the draft resolution of the National Council of the RS, the working definition of anti-Semitism takes note of it and approves it. It also calls on the Member States and EU institutions and agencies to take up this definition and its application in order to support judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies in their efforts to detect and prosecute perpetrators more effectively. antisemitic offenses.

According to the working definition, it is clear that anti-Semitism is also the perception of the Jews, which can be expressed as a hatred of the Jews. The rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and / or their property, institutions of the Jewish community and religious institutions. Antisemitic acts are crimes if they are defined by law. Criminal offenses are anti-Semitic when the target of an attack, be it a person or property, is chosen because it is or is perceived as Jewish or Jewish-related. Among other things, the definition also indicates that anti-Semitic discrimination is a denial to Jews of opportunities or services offered to others and is illegal in many countries.

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